Page 40 - issue 29 En
P. 40
harshness of heart
mohamed elsawy - 2nd level - economics
From harsh arid desert, dry mountains and valleys, and he leaned on it and then he took a Mimbar (pulbit), So
from a fierce ignorant environment that kills each other, the trunk was missed to the Prophet (pbuh)! Until the
with no security for soul or honor, God sent the Prophet Companions heard from him a sound like the voice of a
Muhammad (pbuh) as water exploded from stones! A camel, then the Prophet (pbuh) hugged him until he
caller to God and a preacher and a warner, bringing all settled, and said to them (If he did not embrace him, he
worlds out of the jungle of Jahiliyyah ( pre- Islamic would compose until the Day of Resurrection)
times) to the expansion of Islamic law, so that the (Narrated by Imam Ahmad).
stomachs were saturated, the souls dwelt, rights were The Prophet (pbuh) entered a garden of a man from the
restored to their families, and the people secured their Ansar, and there was a camel in it. When the camel
money and honor. saw the prophet (pbuh), his eyes were clouded, so the
This is mentioned in the holy Quran as follows: So by Prophet (pbuh) came to him, and he stroke gently until
mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient the camel settled. Then the Prophet (pbuh) said: To
with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and whom is this camel? Then a man from Alansar came
harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about and said: It is mine, So The Prophet (pbuh) he said to
you. [Sura Aal-i-Imraan – 159], Each war has its leaders, him: Do you not fear God in this animal that God has
and neither in the past nor the present is more worthy possessed you ?! It complained to me that you leave
than the Prophet (pbuh) Muhammad for the war of him hungry.
Jahiliyyah, so the sword of ignorance was sheathed and The Prophet (pbuh) comforted a child whose bird died,
he unsheathe the word of truth. So he called all people Anas b. Malik said : The Messenger of Allah (May
with wisdom, exhortation, and a rational statement, peace be upon him) used to come to visit us. I had a
neither coercive nor usurping, to clarify the simple law younger brother who was called Abu "Umair". He had
of Islam and its great desired goal, and therefore Islam a sparrow with which he played, but it died.
was not crowned by its Sharia and its approach only, . So one day the prophet (May peace be upon him)
Rather, it is charity in itself, to the point that it was came to see him and saw him grieved. He asked: What
almost benevolence before the order and elevated before is the matter with him? The people replied: His
the commission, and what was forbidden is harmful, and sparrow has died. He then said: Abu ‘Umair! What has
what was ordered is beneficial. happened to the little sparrow?
The Prophet (pbuh) was a light that covered trees, One day, Companion Al-Akra'a Ibn Habes visited the
animals and people, and biography books told us the prophet (pbuh), While he was sitting at the prophet
story of the missing of the trunk to the Prophet (pbuh) as Mohamed(PBUH) , Alhassan Ibn Ali, came. So, the
he had a trunk if he Preaches to people, prophet Mohamed(PBUH)