Page 41 - issue 29 En
P. 41

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

        welcomed,  hugged,  and  kissed  him.  Al-Akra'a  was  The  teacher  will  not  deliver  his  message
        amazed  by  such  conduct  and  the  sympathy  and     unless he possesses the keys to the minds of
        kindness  of  the  Prophet  Mohamed(PBUH)    So,  he   his  students  with  the  permission  of  their
        asked him in amazement, Do you kiss children?
        The Prophet Mohamed(PBUH)   replied: Yes, what is      hearts!, So a simple word that motivates his
        strange in such an act?                                students to learn is better than memorization
        Al-Akra'a said: I swear by Allah, I have ten children  and  indoctrination,  duties  and  assignments
        and I have never kissed one of them before.            that do not grow and bear no fruit, and The
        The  Prophet  Mohamed  (PBUH)  replied:  What          commander  with  his  army,  They  will  not
        can  I  do  if  Allah,  The  Almighty,    Has  taken   obey  him  by  his  command,  prohibition,
        mercy out from your heart?                             whip and sound as much as obeyed a word

        Narrated  Anas  ibn  Malik:  I  served  the  Prophet
        (PBUH)  at  Medina  for  ten  years.  I  was  a  boy.  that  instills  loyalty  in  them  even  if  He
        Every  work  that  I  did  was  not  according  to  the  entrusted them to march a thousand parsec,
        desire of my master, but he never said to me: Fie,     but  even  a  grazier  with  his  sheep  or  bird

        nor  did  he  say  to  me:  Why  did  you  do  this?  or  feeding, watering, taking care of them until
        Why did you not do this?                               they  become  accustomed  and  become
        An almost uninterrupted torrent of the Prophet’s       familiar  with  him,  even  if  he  comes,  they
        commandments  women,  One  of  them:  “And             rejoice and delighted as a human being!
        indeed I order you to be good to the women, for        Speak gently and lighten your orders, have
        they are but captives with you".                       mercy  on  your  children,  wives,  everyone

        Muhammad  alone  was  a  message  to  all  worlds,     and  everything  that  are  under  your  hand,
        Muslims  and  non-Muslims,  so  he  showed  people     treat  people    gently  and  mercifully,  Be
        how a father is with his son, Husband is with his
        wife, Master is with his servant, Teacher is with his  gracious  before  ordering,  patient  before
        students, Commander is with his army, Plus Grazier     angering  and  merciful  before  punishing.
        with his livestock! The soul, by its nature, Tends to  Islam  religion  have  been  full  mercy  and
        cheerfulness  before  command  and  charity  before    benevolence,  and  it  will  not  benefit  the

        commissioning, and the command and commission          Muslim  to  full  religious,  and  his  heart  is
        are  not  fully  accomplished  with  a  whip,  voice,  rough and harsh like Jahiliyyah's coarseness,
        threat,  and  promises  as  much  as  they  are        Shall I not inform you of whom the Fire is
        accomplished with a gentle word and little charity,    unlawful  and  he  is  unlawful  for  the  Fire?
        A  father  with  his  son  will  not  improve  his
        upbringing  as  much  as  he  punishes,  rebukes  and  Every  person  who  is  near  (to  people),
        snubs him, but as much as he advises, guides, and is   amicable, and easy(to deal with).
        kind to him, and the wife does not rest her husband
        and be familiar with his command, forbidding, and
        firmness,  but  as  much  as  he  pleases  her,  caresses

        and takes pity on her. And the master will be full
        Dominant by patience with his servant, purity and
        mercy with his ability.

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