Page 42 - issue 29 En
P. 42

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                 The parallel world: a cosmic fact or an

                                                 inspiration of fiction ?

                              mohamed ragab, third level, economics

        You  can  imagine,  dear  reader,  that  at  the  same  time  the  responsible  authorities  placed  surveillance  cameras
        that  you  read  these  simple  words,  there  is  another  inside the palace, in which a strange object appeared that
        world in which a person is an exact copy of you, but  opened  and  closed  the  inner  gate  of  the  palace  and  this
        completely  different  from  you  !!?  Yes,  the  idea  may  object did not reappear again, and scientists have suggested
        seem strange and speculative rather than realistic, but  that this strange object came from another world parallel to
        there are many theories that confirm the truth of this  ours or that it is a spirit King Henry, who had died inside
                                                              the palace in the thirteenth century.
        idea.                                                 And in 1954 specifically in Japan, a man appeared holding
        These  theories  explain  that  the  world  is  a  number  of  a  passport  for  a  country  that  does  not  exist  in  our  world
        universes in which each universe represents a copy of  called (Taured), and this man confirmed that this country is
        that  universe  -  in  which  we  are  -  but  with  different  a  rich  European  country  and  he  was  carrying  papers  and
        actions, or it is a mirror that reflects our actions in this  cash  (banknotes)  proving  the  existence  of  this  unknown
        universe,  but  in  a  completely  different  and  different  country,  and  after  less  than  24  hours  later  that  man
        way, so you may now be living a life You do not want  disappeared  and  his  papers  disappeared  with  him,  and
        it when the other version of you in the parallel world is  researchers have suggested that this man had come from a
        living  the  life  you  desire,  and  it  is  called  the  world parallel to ours.
        "parallel  world"  or  "the  hidden    Therefore,  this  universe  is  full  of  secrets  and  mysteries,
        world." This is what Einstein referred to when he  there are many phenomena of them who confirm them, and
        said, "The world is a book composed of several   some  of  them  may  overlook  them,  but  many  interpreted
                                                              these  theories  in  another  way  that  goes  back  to  what  is
        pages,  each  page  represents  An  independent  universe  known as the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago, and
        on its own. "The scientist and researcher Robert  from  here  two  universes  were  formed,  one  of  them  our
        Lanza  also  said,"  All  possible  universes  exist  world and the other back in time. backwards.
        together,  regardless  of  what  happens  in  any  of  them.  There  are  also  some  strange  mental  phenomena  that  are
        " There are some events that scientists have taken  scientifically  called  (deja  vu),  which  refers  to  a  strange
        as evidence of the fact that the parallel world exists. In  feeling that the individual suddenly feels, as he imagines
        2003  the  fire  alarm  bells  rang  at  King  Henry  VIII’s  that he has been exposed to an event or thing before, and
        palace  in  the  south  of  the  British  capital,    may  predict  the  future  of  the  event,  but  if  the  individual
        "London",  and  when  the  palace  guards   remembers the things that happened in A world different
        inspected the building and searched for the person who  from  ours,  called  An  alter  vu,  in  which  the  individual
                                                              encounters  conflicting  memories  about  his  life,  or
        rang the bell, they found no trace of humans. And with  remembers things that did not happen in reality, but which
        the recurrence of the incident more than once,        occurred in the parallel world.

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