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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                                          Elite arrivals:

                                          Documentary on "Elite" in 2 years

                                                         Mohamed Abdel Azim
                                       FEPS &ELITE Graduate and currently a military soldier
                                                           Translated by : Nancy Amer
         During  the  United  Arab  Republic,  Dr.  Abd  Al  Latif  not go far from the focus of our main topic, which we will
         Hamzah wrote in his book “The Egyptian Journalism    learn together through this article. Mark Dewes believes
         in a Hundred Years”: that modern civilization had no  that the beginning of electronic journalism was with the
         more  blessing  than  the  printing  press,  and  no  later  (Chicago  Tribune)  newspaper  in  1992  with  its  edition
         edition had a better good than newspapers and books.   (Chicago   Online).   Shortly   thereafter,   electronic
          Now,  when  talking  about  contemporary  journalism,  journalism spread in the Arab world.  And in November
         we  must  attribute  great  merit  to  technology  and  the  2018 was the birth of the elite newspaper;  It is a monthly
         Internet in shaping modern civilization and spreading  electronic newspaper - until now - issued by the Faculty
         knowledge  across  the  spectrum  of  the  whole  world,  of Economics and Political Science.
         especially  those  countries  that  did  not  have  the  best  "Elite" is not a usual experience that can perish with the
         fortune to possess this enormous amount of knowledge  passage of time. Rather, it is as old as words;  Its biggest
         at  such  speed  in  the  past,  this  matter  undoubtedly  writer.    It  is  mainly  written  by  students,  graduates  and
         poses  a  problem.    It  concerns  the  use  of  knowledge  professors  of  the  college,  perhaps  as  old  as  this  world.
         itself,  but  the  latter  is  not  an  area  that  I  am  talking   The memory of peoples does not perish as long as what
         about at present. The Internet revolution that reached  they wrote remains;  Therefore, over time, the succession
         our Arab world in the late twentieth century and early  of  rulers,  and  the  passage  of  centuries,  the  collective
         twenty-first century has protected civilization and the  memory  of  human  beings  remained  alive  and
         components  of  its  formation.  It  has  protected  books  inexhaustible,  as  long  as  a  part  of  them  remained  what
         and  libraries  that  have  been  subjected  to  many  they wrote and what was written in their hands. Medicine
         calamities and setbacks, as Rebecca Nuth pointed out  writings from the era of Hippocrates are still in existence,
                                                              and the document of the city’s constitution from the time
         in her book, “The Extermination of Books: Destroying  of  Muhammad,  peace  be  upon  him,  is  still  known,  and
         Books  and  Libraries  in    The  twentieth  century  Montesco’s  book  “Spirit    Laws  “is  still  considered  the
         sponsored  political  regimes,  "those  books,  libraries  first  gesture,  so  the“  elite  ”is  a  documentation  of  the
         and the press that constitute the vessel of thought and  collective  mind  of  our  contemporary  society,  especially
         the memory of the nation.  Her talk was not open to  the  society  of  politics  and  economics;    The  elite  is  our
         mentioning  the  American  invasion  of  Iraq  and  the  voice,  our  path,  our  platform,  and  our  window  to  the
         destruction  it  caused  in  the  libraries  of  Iraq,  which  world.  In  the  elite  we  learned  how  to  dialogue,  how  to
         constituted  a  blatant  aggression  on  the  legacy  of  write  our  dialogue,  and  how  to  present  what  we  have
         civilization and the component of thought among the  written. Here we learned how the elders are among us and
         Iraqi  people  whose  libraries  did  not  contain  the  and how we become adults among them. If you include
         memory  of  their  people  only,  but  included  many  of  your name here, it will last longer than your age, and your
         what  belongs  to  the  Arab  world  and  Islamic    voice will last longer than your age.  Because that's like
         civilization  As well as even global civilization, in full  declaring that you are here, freedom is to write.
         view of the whole world, and that introduction does

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