Page 32 - issue 29 En
P. 32
Our Generation’s Obsession
with Nostalgia
By: Malak Ashraf, 2nd level, Econom ics
A typical Gen-Z (born between mid-90s and 2010) would be You must have heard that more frequently from older
familiar with the current obsession with old trends and Nostalgia generations, how the world is changing daily more than ever
or more likely being a part of it. However, it might interest you before and it’s getting harder even for our generation to keep
to know that the whole “longing for the past” aura started with up so travelling back to times of some kind of stability sounds
the preceding generation; Millennials. Yet Millennials’ nostalgia comforting.
is quite understandable, it’s all about memories, different and Other Possibilities
maybe better circumstances –from their point of view- that they As much as this sounds convincing, I still didn’t find these
previously lived in. As for our case, it’s quite the opposite. Our two as enough explanation, there must be factors other than
generation is being nostalgic with times we haven’t even got the the internet that are able to explain any phenomenon we
chance to witness for real yet here we are reviving old fashion witness. After further investigation I reached three possible
trends, arts and lifestyles. So what’s behind this? factors:
- Acceptance and Openness to different cultures and
You guessed it right: the Internet What started as globalization and the “global village” concept
You can quite expect that it all started with the emergence of the seems to have extended across time rather than place alone.
Internet. The open access to information of every kind, pictures, Willingness to consider various cultures, mindsets and styles
videos and its evolution to its current state today with all the is not a characteristic of our generation as much as it’s a time
social media platforms eliminating barriers between people. So, effect. The evolution by time advocates for flexibility and
as suggested by most opinions in that regard, Internet is the openness and this was rooted deeply in the 21st century. Our
main reason why this generation is the most nostalgic of all. generation became not just open to accept diversity among
Being born at a time of such unprecedented invention and using itself but even accepting ideas and features of times that have
it since a young age originated that shared state. Having actual been gone for long. In fact, we combine two contradicting
documentation of past times and how it was like then is just a qualities: rebelling on the past and at the same time wishing
click away from where you’re at. You can see real pictures of we could bring them back!
people back then, movies and TV shows that portray past times
reaching many decades and centuries ago, literature and arts. So
the Internet as an infinite source of such valuable information is
more than satisfactory to our curiosity and we don’t miss a
Change is inevitable
So what else can be a reason? It’s undeniable that rapid and
unanticipated change is a feature of the current age.