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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

        Moreover, JUST ADD AI, a German-based AI company, helped  Despite  the  fact  that  AI  and  ML  have  allowed  quicker  and
        a Bundesliga team to win matches by identifying the appropriate  better decision-making where the algorithms powered by AI
        players. By developing an AI tool that extracted insights from  can  extract  actionable  insights  that  give  the  players  and
        unstructured  data  and  placed  them  in  a  single  dashboard.  coaching  staff  even  greater  benefit.  There  are  many
        ِBundesliga uses the Amazon cloud server (AWS) to share more  drawbacks  for  using  AI  in  sports  in  general  and  in  football
        in-depth  insights  into  the  live  broadcast  of  the  game.  As  the  specifically.
        adoption  of  AI  cloud-based  solutions  provides  fans  with  real-
        time  forecasting  services  on  when  a  goal  happens  and  the  To name a few, the quite high cost. The fact that AI is used in
        likelihood  of  success  for  the  team.  This  AI  technology  was  almost all sport management fields makes it even more costly.
        adopted by the English football club Leatherhead FC to prepare  Correspondingly,  the  technology  will  continue  to  evolve,  so
        a specific strategy for its squad.                     there will be a continuous need to update and upgrade the AI
                                                               technology's  software  and  hardware.  Also,  the  expense  of
        Additionally,   Oloclip,   a   Madrid-based   company,   has  operating  and  repairing  an  AI  computer  is  high.  Not  to
        investigated the effectiveness of algorithms for ML in predicting  mention, the employment loss. This point has always been a
        strengths and weaknesses in the field. The organization built an  debate  for  opponents  of  this  technology.  The  automation  of
        AI-powered  technology  system  believed  that  it  could  predict  manual  jobs  by  AI  machines  makes  humans  useless  for  the
        what  would  happen  in  the  next  15  minutes  of  the  match.  The  work  (e.g.  scouting  and  recruiting).  AI  machines  make  it
        model  calculates  the  variables'  changes  and  their  effects  on  easier  to  get  details  about  players'  pluses  and  minuses  and
        relevant objectives.                                   how  they  blend  into  the  game,  instead  of  making  scouts  go
                                                               and see individual players repeatedly during matches and try
        Injury prediction is another fascinating case of AI use. When it  to notice their main strengths and weaknesses.
        comes  to  important  games,  the  prediction  of  when  the  best
        players  might  get  hurt  would  be  highly  appreciated.  Data  In  a  more  social  context,  many  concerns  exist.  As,  in  the
        scientists at the University of Pisa, Italy, created an algorithm for  universe, there are few things that can't be quantified. Using
        machine learning to predict accidents in 2018. In a single season,  data analytics and AI, anything that can be quantified can be
        the algorithm correctly predicted 9 out of the 14 injuries suffered  forecast with accuracy. With such quantifiable elements, the
        by an Italian team. The technology also decreases the chances of  world of sports is plentiful, making it suitable for the use of
        on-field  accidents,  according  to  the  University  researchers.  It  artificial intelligence. But, this shifts the game from merely a
        also warns players on the field and decides when they need to  sporty entertainment game to a capitalist industry game that
        rest in the game to remain energetic.                  searches for profit maximization at whatever expense. In fact,
                                                               not  only  the  world  of  sports  is  quantifiable  but  the  whole
        One more case for the adoption of AI by football clubs may be  world  around  us.  AI  with  its  techniques  (ML  and  DL)  is
        felt  on  the  stands  rather  than  on  the  pitches.  In  other  words,  indeed  eating  everything.  Big  companies  employ  this
        generating more revenues from the audience. This is partially a  technique for profit margin maximization solely and it treats
        by-product  of  the  widespread  availability  of  surveillance  humans  as  predictable,  surveilled  manipulated  items.  The
        cameras  in  sports  stadiums;  during  the  2018  World  Cup  in  questions  now  would  be,  do  the  AI  positives  outweigh  the
        Russia,  each  stadium  was  packed  with  1,200  cameras.  A  negatives  or  not?  And  from  what  angle  do  the  measures  of
        significant commercial factor as these cameras can analyze the  positives  and  negatives  are  conducted?  And  to  what  extent
        fans  in  the  stadium  by  examining  their  facial  gestures  or  their  this data-driven world would lead us? And if people's data is
        eyeball movements to see if they are engaged or not engaged. By  being used to drive valuable information that is worth billions
        doing so, the efficient time can be delegated to the sponsors in  of dollars shouldn't those people get paid for their contribution
        that way. So, rather than having an ad at half-time or during a  in generating this data?
        goal, it can be played when the viewer is most involved.

        Another thing, in this context, is using AI in ticket pricing, for a
        better prediction of what fans will be ready to spend on an event,
        in order to optimize one of the revenue sources. It is believed
        that  at  least  one  Premier  League  Club  is  working  on  an
        experimental  project  with  Acronis  (a  global  technology
        company) that incorporates internal data, ticketing figures, and
        weather data, gunning for a system that would allow the club to
        forecast potential participation in the match.

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