Page 26 - issue 29 En
P. 26

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

          (3)  Giza pyramids:                                  (5)  Museum of illusions:
          It's  a  little  ironic,  but  the  pyramids  have   An  extravagant  idea  never  seen  before  in

          become  an  internet  sensation  themselves.         Egypt,  and  of  course  it  caught  the  eyes  of
          Obviously, we didn't just wake up and find           youngsters.  The  illusion  museum  has

          out that we have the pyramids, one of the            recently opened at Giza- Al Sheikh-Zayed,
          world’s  greatest  wonders,  but  this  shows        and the newness of its concept has attracted
          us  how  social  media  affects  the  people’s       young  people  to  visit  it  to  see  how  the

          actions.  The  pyramids  which  were                 illusion is made with their own eyes and of
          essentially  a  place  visited  by  foreigners,      course to take some super cool pictures that

          have  now  become  filled  with  Egyptians           if  we  don't  know  it,  we’d  say  they’re
          everywhere. It is a good place to educate            photoshopped.
          ourselves  and  to  reconnect  with  our


                                                               (6)  Alexandria:

          (4)  Baron Palace:                                   Last  but  not  least,  Alexandria  is  a  main
          Located  in  Heliopolis,  the  Baron  palace         attraction  point  for  young  people  who

          has recently been renovated and became a             would like to see the sea and have a "Day-
          good  antique  place  to  see  the  wonderful        use" to disconnect from the routine of Cairo.

          architecture     made      by    the    French       We have to have another article to list the
          Alexandre  Marcel  between  1907  and                good  places  to  visit  in  Alexandria,  it  is

          19011.  A  good  place  to  amuse  the  eyes         undoubtedly  a  good  province  located
          with  the  beauty  of  the  classical                directly on the sea which will be wonderful

          constructions  and  to  take  some  good             in the summer. But even in the winter it is
          photos.                                              very  attractive,  with  its  atmosphere  that
                                                               gives  us  the  impression  of  being  in


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