Page 25 - issue 29 En
P. 25

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                       Picnics: Giza pyramids and other fun

                                         activities that lately became trendy

                                         Passainte Mohamed, 3rd level
         Due to the actions more or less severe taken          You can profit from the beautiful sun rays

         everywhere  to  control  the  pandemic,  people       in  Egypt  during  winter,  connect  with  your
         are getting more and more creative with ways          family  or  friends,  see  the  beautiful  pacific
         to have fun and insert the minimum amount             green areas in Egypt and most importantly

         of joy in their day during these difficult times      save some money.
         that  we’re  all  going  through.    These  times

         have  given  us  the  chance  to  discover  some
         very beautiful places in Egypt, places that’ve
         been here for a very long time, but it’s only

         recently  that  we  started  to  see  their  beauty.  (2)  ZED Park:
         With the school vacation starting, new ideas          If you are a person who spends a lot of time on

         and  new  places  to  visit  are  necessary,  so,  if  Instagram  or  Facebook,  the  chance  that  you
         you’re  someone  looking  for  a  fun  place  to      have  not  yet  seen  a  photo  of  one  of  your
         spend an unforgettable day with your family           followings  in  ZED  park  is  very  low.  It’s

         or your friends, this article is for you.             become an internet sensation, with its carousel,
         (1)  Picnics:                                         its roulette wheel and its decoration that gives

         An  idea  that  was  essentially  categorized  for    us the impression that we are behind the scenes
         less fortunate families, who can’t afford to eat      of a movie. A new, fun and great place to take
                                                               photos,  which  will  satisfy  the  younger  ones
         in a restaurant or to walk in the green areas of      who  want  some  kind  of  action  and  the  older

         a club. So, they cook their own meal and eat it       ones  who  want  to  take  pictures  for  their
         in  the  public  gardens  with  paying  nothing.      Instagram.

         But  this  idea  recently  became  very  popular,
         and that goes to the social media that stopped
         stigmatizing  picnics  and  made  it  a  “cool”

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