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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                                         Covid-19 threat

                              to the extroverts and calming to the introverts

                               Ramez Salah, third level, political science. Suez University

         It is a known fact that two individuals cannot share  It's a dark pre-pandemic shorthand that swept the globe from
         the  same  DNA  structure  as  even  identical  twins  China,  New  Zealand  and  Australia  east  to  California  on  the
         don't  share  the  same  DNA  structure.  Each  system  west coast of the United States, and from the Canadian and
         has always had its own characteristics, which make    American Arctic regions south of the African continent, that
                                                               loneliness is an introversion-related disease, but that isolation
         the  other  system  different,  and  vice  versa.  If  we  is  an  introversion-related  disease,  but  that  isolation  is  an
         look at the reality of systems of various kinds, we   introversion-related  disease.  This  inference  is  academic
         will  find  a  great  difference  between  them,  maybe  squabbles;  Because  if  we  look  at  the  distinction  between
         because the differentiation in a particular system is  isolation and introversion and understand this difference well
         relevant  to  the  world  in  which  the  individual  has  the  tension  between  the  issue  of  being  introverted  or
                                                               extroverted,  their  belief  combined  with  unconsciousness,
         found himself. Or perhaps that the individual before  misplaced their understanding of the truth of the characters of
         birth  is  destined  to  have  a  characteristic  that  is  many  introverts,  because  if  we  look  at  the  reality  of  their
         distinguished  in  its  attributes  by  this  distinct  belief,  We  can  find  them  introverted  to  be  either  a  greedy
         method!                                               person who is too cruel to others, or rude filled with a false
          The structures are numerous and very different and   sense of depression, or content, or afraid of what he sees in the
                                                               eyes  of  those  who  encounter  him,  or  uncertain  that  he  can
         in politics, democracy, monarchy, in economics we     repel the blows he gets when he thinks of engaging with any
         see  capitalism  and  socialism,  and  in  the  human  intrusive groups, but they make an exception and categorize.
         mind  we  see  introverts,  extroverts.  It's  a  dark  Outside  the  law  and  the  game,  for  those  who  think  and
         shorthand to see extroverts thriving in the age of the  manage to do what they have to do, or to do what they have to
         pandemic  and  it's  also  bad  to  claim  in  the  pre-  do, or to be proud of.
                                                               There is a theory of geographical thinking that some people
         pandemic era that introverts aren't social, while the  call it a kind of intellectual heritage that is far from fact, but if
         extroverts are as Ibn Khaldun said, but the level of  we look at its contents, we find ourselves reviving this theory
         this social structure varies according to the nature  once again, the school of possibility attributed to the French
         of each character's system.                           geographer Vidal de la Blash, on the assumption that man is
         It would also be a fair shorthand to see in the post-  not  a  slave  or  a  soft  instrument  in  the  hands  of  the
         pandemic  period  that  introverts  are  equal  to
         adjusting to the pressures of life crises, particularly  It can be formulated in the following equations
         because  we  are  at  a  time  when  virtual          Extroverts + an adaptation = environmental potential.
         communication  plays  a  similar  role,  often  even  Extroverts + no adaptation = environmental imperative.
         more than real-life communication.                    Introverts + internal effects = environmental probability.
                                                               Introverts + no adaptation = environmental imperative.
                                                               Introverts + an adaptation = environmental potential.

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