Page 19 - issue 29 En
P. 19

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                                                At the end of the day, it may still be too early to count the
                                                                project’s  results,  whether  positive  or  negative,  and  also  to
                                                                ascertain the extent of its impact on the revenues of the Suez
                                                                Canal (especially in case of Saudi engagement), but what is
                                                                certain  is  that  on  one  hand,  this  project,  which  has  been
                                                                accelerated  in  wake  of  the  US-sponsored  Israeli-Emirati
                                                                normalization  agreement,  it  may  expand  Israel's  role  in  the
                                                                region  not  only  as  an  energy  hub,  but  also  as  a  center  for
                                                                recharging  to  other  users  in  the  Mediterranean.  With  this
                                                                project, Israel saves to Europe time, shipping and distillation
                                                                costs from the Gulf (via the Suez Canal), the same applies to
                                                                the UAE (and the Gulf in general), as it reduces dependence
                                            ARTICLE TITLE
                                                                on sea routes such as Bab al-Mandab and the Strait of Hormuz
                                                                which are vulnerable to attacks from Iran and the dangers of
                                                                pirates near the entrance to the Red Sea. As such, Israel would
        It is already known that Egypt's economy relies heavily on the  earn an estimated hundreds of millions of dollars annually by
        income of the Suez Canal as one of the 3 most important sources  allowing the flow of oil through the pipeline from Eilat to the
        for securing foreign currency, followed by tourism revenues and  Mediterranean coast.
        remittances from Egyptian living abroad, which are the sectors
        that were negatively affected after the global Covid-19 pandemic
        crisis. Thus, talking about any alternative path that might affect
        the  Suez  Canal  and  its  income,  will  naturally  spark  fears  and
        concerns  among  Egyptians.  And  in  this  context,  and  after  the
        statements of the head of the Suez Canal Authority, Lieutenant
        General Osama Rabie on television, which indicated the extent
        of the project’s impact on the revenues of the Suez Canal and
        Egyptian  national  security,  the  Suez  Canal  Authority  issued  a
        statement on February 2, 2021 in an attempt to calm Egyptian  For  such  reasons,  on  the  other  hand,  a  number  of  analysts,
        public  opinion,  where  it  indicated  that  the  analytical  studies  researchers  and  specialists,  including  Dr.  Essam  Sharaf,
        prepared by its economic unit “did not find any actual effect of  former prime minister of Egypt, are demanding the Egyptian
        operating  the  Eilat  Ashkelon  pipeline  on  the  maritime  traffic  government to accelerate the development of the Suez Canal
        through the canal”. On the same day, Rabie stated in a telephone  economic axis by transforming it into a global industrial and
        interview  that  "new  solutions"  are  being  developed,  including  logistical  center  for  supply,  transportation  and  trade.  This
                                                                would  help  attract  investments  in  various  sectors  ;  indeed,
        new  marketing  and  pricing  plans  such  as  reducing  traffic  fees  Egypt has ports and industrial zones in the Suez Canal area,
        (especially  for  giant  oil  tankers),  as  well  as  plans  to  develop  and  perhaps  if  these  capabilities  were  effectively  used,  the
        industries  that  attract  ships,  “if  the  matter  exceeds  the  Suez Canal will not have a potential competitor in the region.
        competitive  limit  we  are  concerned  about”,  but  according  to  In light of these new regional arrangements and the dynamics
        what he said “things are still under control”. In the same context,  of  competition  that  dominate  the  region(among  its  main
        by looking at the annual report of the maritime traffic statistics  strategic  actors),  many  have  questioned  the  impact  of  this
        for  2019,  it  is  noteworthy  that  oil  and  natural  gas  tankers  project on relations between Cairo and Abu Dhabi, and Major
        accounted for 27% of the number of ships that passed through  General  Hatem  Bashat,  the  Egyptian  military  expert  and
        the  Suez  Canal,  which  is  the  second  largest  number  after  former  parliamentarian,  said  in  this  regard  that  Egyptian-
        container ships.                                        Emirati relation is “strategic and cannot be affected”, and it is
                                                                natural for each country to “seek to benefit its own interests in
                                                                a way that serves its people and strengthens its economy”.
                                                                In  another  context,  we  have  to  wonder,  how  the  Egyptian-
                                                                Israeli  relation  will  be  reshaped,  especially  with  the  recent
                                                                visit  of  the  Egyptian  Minister  of  Petroleum  and  Mineral
                                                                Resources,  Engineer  Tarek  Al-Molla  to  Tel  Aviv  to  discuss
                                                                aspects of cooperation between the two countries, in light of
                                                                the  European  Union’s  growing  need  for  energy  and  its
                                                                endeavor to reduce dependence on Russian gas (Gazprom) by
                                                                forming  new  routes,  including  across  the  Eastern

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