Page 15 - issue 29 En
P. 15

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

          We will then review the women's efforts launched to  because  of  a  false  slander  presented  by  a  girl  for
         confront the culture of rejection.                   revenge.  Therefore,  we  found  that  there  were
                                                              communications police, especially in Social Media,
         Social Media undoubtedly has a positive and negative  to verify these cases and validate the evidence.
         impact on society. Because of the Social Media, the
         marginalized have a voice and they can express their  Therefore, we find that, through a virtual reality of
         problems  and  their  issues.  Today  we  can  say  that  Social Media, the marginalized have a role. There
         women  have  the  ability  to  express  themselves  and  are  those  who  care  about  them,  and  through  a
         their  issues.  In  addition,  the  woman  found  someone  famous  initiative  like  "Nosadk  el  Nagyat".  This
         who could listen to her through social media.        new  movement  seeks  to  send  a  message  to  the

                                                              masculine community in which we live that women
         There  are  many  awareness  campaigns  on  Social   have a presence and an entity.
         Media such as Me Too, which started in 2017, aimed
         at  protecting  women's  rights  and  denouncing  sexual  This initiative is trying to create a safe space even if
         abuse  and  harassment  of  women.  Through  this    it  is  hypothetical,  but  better  than  a  woman  who
         campaign, many girls were able to obtain their rights  living  in  silence  and  fear  of  erasing  her  problem.
         and many were sensitized.
                                                              She called "survivors" because she survived of rape
                                                              and harassment, and her role in society became to
         In addition, there are many slogan on Social Media,
         like "We Are with You" and "Breaking Silence," All   suppress the misogynist and defame him because he
         these  campaigns  are  aimed  at  breaking  fear  and  robbed her of her freedom.
         silence  inside  every  girl  who  has  been  harassed  or
         raped. Thus, there can be change in society and some  These  campaigns  have  an  important  role  because
         decisions  or  laws  change  in  favor  of  women  or  of  they help alleviate the pressure that girls experience
         everyone marginalized in society.                    and  feel  they  are  not  alone,  but  there  is  many
                                                              people supporter them.
         In  other  side,  we  also  find  that  social  Media  has
         negative  impact  because  sometimes  the  issues  that  This  campaign  helped  many  girls  who  tried  to
         girls present through initiatives and campaigns can be  commit  suicide,  and  helped  uncover  many
         slander  and  lie  and  can  amount  to  defamation.  harassers.  All  that  matters  is  not  their  different
          Therefore,  Social  Media  has  a  lot  of  damage,  so  a  nationality, religion and race, but their respect for
         human being can lose his reputation and honor        their bodies, their rights and their refusal to violate

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