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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

        • Second, targeting temporary measures and mechanisms  The  Minister  replied  that  the  state  knew  when  these
        that are flexible and easy to exit after the crisis ends.  agreements were signed that the revenues from customs
        • Third: Selecting the most affected and deserved societal  tax  would  decrease,  which  in  turn  would  lead  to  a
        groups and economic sectors for support.              decrease  in  revenues.  They  were  based  on  liberal
        •  Fourth:  Enhancing  transparency  and  disclosure  of  the  academic  arguments  that  lowering  tariffs  had  greater
        measures  and  procedures  used  and  who  are  entitled  to  economic effectiveness. Growth will rise, imports may
        them. To achieve these pillars, the government has studied  grow  or  consumers'  needs  may  be  met.  The  Minister
        the potential impact on the Egyptian economy to reach the  added  that  there  is  a  difference  between  theoretical
        financial space that can be allocated to face the crisis in the  arguments and tangible reality.
        short  term.  Several  measures  have  been  announced  and  The Minister stated that even so those agreements were
        implemented targeting the groups and first sectors, such as  signed, but, currently no one is benefiting from them, so
        helping irregular employment, canceling real estate taxes  these agreements must be reviewed periodically by the
        for a year on the tourism sector, allocating 2 billion pounds  specialized committees.
        from the treasury in the form of an interest free loan to the  Q:  Egypt  lost  14  billion  pounds  from  tourism  income
        civil aviation sector and many other decisions.       and reduced the value-added tax by 15%, so why not to
        The  total  government  expenditures  to  confront  the  crisis  reduce  this  tax  for  a  specific  period  to  enhance
        reached nearly 100 billion pounds, equivalent to 2% of the  consumption  or  domestic  tourism,  create  job
        GDP.  The  state's  overall  budget  has  also  been  updated  opportunities,  and  save  the  packages  that  the  ministry
        according to the estimates of the World Economic Outlook  spent  for  this  sector,  knowing  that  countries  such  as
        issued by the International Monetary Fund in April 2020,  Britain  And  Germany  and  Austria  have  reduced  those
        the  reports  of  the  Ministry  of  Planning  and  the  Central
        Bank  of  Egypt.  The  minister  also  indicated  that  these  rates to 5% from 20% and 17%?
        procedures were carried out in a transparent manner with  The  Minister  answered  that  the  situation  of  these
        the  Egyptian  parliament,  investment  banks  and    countries differs from Egypt, because - if their revenues
        international institutions.                           decrease - it is easy for them to borrow as their interest
        According  to  the  minister's  statements,  Egypt  surpassed  rate is zero. But the interests in Egypt are equal to 15%.
        the  first  year  of  the  crisis  with  a  growth  rate  of  3.6%,  Moreover, Britain has canceled the Vat Refund that was
        which is high compared to the rest of the countries, as only  offered.  Also,  abolishing  the  value-added  tax  on  the
        1/15  of  the  countries  achieved  a  positive  growth  rate.  It  tourism sector is difficult, as other sectors that have been
        also  maintained  all  its  sovereign  ratings,  and  established  affected by the crisis will demand the generalization of
        several  initiatives  such  as  offering  green  bonds  to  the  that decision. In addition, the tax abolition will raise the
        market  and  electronic  invoices,  making  Egypt  the  first  concerns  of  the  international  financial  bodies  from  the
        country  in  the  Middle  East  to  adopt  these  measures.  He  increase  in  the  deficit  and  thus  the  debt.  This  is  why
        also added that the ministry is targeting in the 2021/2022  Egypt  has  implemented  effective,  safe  and  easy  exit
        budget a growth rate of about 2.8%, a total deficit of 7.8%,  measures.
        a primary surplus of about 0.6%, and a debt level of 88%  Q:  The  value-added  tax  constitutes  51%  of  non-
        of GDP.                                               sovereign  tax  revenues,  while  income  taxes  constitute
        The  seminar  was  finalized  with  the  questions  of  the  only 34%. Why not reduce the value of the value-added
        professors and faculty members. We will mention the most  tax as it is a blind tax that does not differentiate between
        prominent of them.                                    the  rich  and  the  poor,  and  raise  the  value  of  income
        Q: The wage growth rate has reached 8.7%. How did the  taxes, to reduce inequality?
        real wage growth rate evolve?                         The  Minister  explained  that,  in  his  opinion,  the  value-
        The Minister explained that the real wage growth rate has  added  tax  differentiates  between  the  rich  and  the  poor
        decreased  significantly  due  to  previous  periods  of  through  consumption,  as  it  is  imposed  on  unnecessary
        inflation.  Then,  he  promised  to  improve  that  rate,  products consumed by the richest individuals, and thus
        especially due to the reduction of the number of employees  the poor do not contribute significantly to that tax. Also,
        from 6 million to 4.7 million.                        the ministry seeks to increase income tax by enhancing
        Q:  Customs  taxes  decreased  by  8.8%,  due  to  the  free  growth and corporate profitability and not by raising the
        market  agreements,  so  why  not  to  withdraw  from  these  tax  brackets,  as  raising  the  tax  bracket  will  reduce
        agreements after 16 years signing them?               investment, which raises unemployment.

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