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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                 A New Cold War: Israel plans to lead on as the

                              region’s energy hub, threatening Egypt’sSuez Canal

                           Youssef Sharaf, 3rd Level, Political Science

      Before we start talking about the new Israeli project underway, we  On  October  20,  2020,  and  within  the  framework  of  the
      must first note that since 2009, with the beginning of the discovery  normalized relations between the two countriessince September
      of new gas fields, -with the most important of which was Tamar  2020, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the
      field on the coast of Israel-, the eastern Mediterranean has become  State  of  Israel,  represented  by  the  Eilat-Ashkelon  Pipeline
      an  energy  hot  spot.  Indeed,  in  recent  times,  discoveries  have  Company  (EAPC)  and  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  represented
      continued,  which  strengthened  the  positions  of  many  coastal  by  a  multinational  company,  MED-RED  Land  Bridge,
      countries,  including  Egypt,  where  the  Italian  company  Eni  regarding the use of the Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline that has existed
      discovered  more  energy  reserves  off  its  coast  between  2017  and  for  50  years  (used  to  secretly  transport  Iran's  oil  to  Europe
      2018. In spite of these important discoveries, geopolitical tensions  before the 1979 revolution). The latter connects the city of Eilat
      between coastal countries in providing their alternatives to transfer  on the Red Sea to Ashkelon overlooking the Mediterranean, and
      energy  to  European  markets,  are  increasing,  especially  after  the  the project is to transport the UAE crude oil to European and
      recent Turkish provocations. In this regard, Cairo and Tel Aviv are  North American markets, via this pipeline in Israel. According
      rushing to present their plans and proposals that would allow each  to  what  Israeli  newspapers,  including  the  Globeseconomic
      of them to become a regional energy hub. In this context, and in  newspaper  have  said,  under  this  deal,  which  may  be  worth
      light  of  the  strategy  of  the  State  of  Israel  to  reap  the  maximum  between  700  and  800  million  dollars  over  several  years  (the
      amount  of  political  and  economic  gains,  the  Netanyahu’s  financial  details  have  not  been  announced  yet),  the  UAE  has
      government  is  moving  towards  a  new  project  that  is  expected  to  two options to transport oil to the port of Eilat, either through an
      have its direct impact and threat on the revenues of Egypt’s Suez  oil  tanker  across  the  Red  Sea  or  through  a  pipeline  extended
                                                               inside  the  Saudi  territory.  Accordingly,  the  plan  included  the
                                                               UAE  to  convince  Saudi  Arabia  (which  still  doesn’t  recognize
                                                               Israel, at least officially) to allow Israel to establish a land or sea
                                                               pipeline, linking the oil refineries in Yanbu in Saudi Arabia, and
                                                               the port of Eilat in Israel. Oil will then be transported via the
                                                               Eilat-Ashkelon line and from there to western markets via the
                                                               infrastructure  of  the  Eilat  Ashkelon  Oil  Pipeline  Company
                                                               (EAPC), which, declared that this will "save time, fuel and costs
                                                               versus crossing the Suez Canal."In fact, Itzik Levy Levy, CEO
                                                               of the company, in an interview with US Foreign Policy, went
                                                               further,  describing  the  deal  as  "historic"  and  saying  that  this
                                                               158-mile(24 km) line, “could eliminate a large share of the oil
                                                               shipments  that  now  flow  through  the  Suez  Canal”.  In  this
                                                               regard, the same magazine published on September 5, 2020 a
                                                               report stating that "the advantage of the pipeline over the Suez
                                                               Canal  is  the  ability  of  terminals  in  Ashkelon  and  Eilat  to
                                                               accommodate  the  giant  tankers  that  dominate  oil  shipping
                                                               today, that are too large to fit through the canal." And in this
                                                               regard,  we  have  to  clearly  ask:  Will  the  Gulf-Israeli  project
                                                               actually affect the income of the Suez Canal?
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