Page 23 - issue 29 En
P. 23

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

         If  you  dislike  the  CEO  of  a  company  for  a  political  Not to mention that sometimes you’re primed to react
         position  of  theirs  despite  you  liking  the  quality  of  or  behave  in  a  certain  way  otherwise  you  will  be
         product  that  the  company  produces.  Does  a  boycott  looked at as a weirdo. Think about it, when was the
         really hit the CEO’s pocket as much as it hits the pocket  last time you reacted to a Facebook post and then saw
         of  employees  who  are  living  paycheck  to  paycheck  the list of reactions from others? Most of the time you
         below  them?  More  so,  does  it  improve  the  product?  prime to react in a certain way. Your mind’s made up
         Who is the practical target of your outrage? But is that  on  your  behalf  before  you  even  think  about  it.
         really  the  case?  Forgetting  celebrities  and  big  Oftentimes  our  outrage  is  directed  not  necessarily  to
         corporations,  a  much  larger  victim  of  this  online  what  happened  in  a  situation  but  rather  to  someone
         shamming,  it’s  the  average  person.  The  reason  is  the  else’s  outrage.  It’s  a  domino  effect  and  the  cycle
         average  people  have  neither  social  credit  nor  the  continues.
         financial  capital  to  come  back  from  a  cancellation.  People  on  the  other  side  of  the  debate  about  cancel
         These  people  find  it  extremely  difficult  to  revive  their  culture say that it either doesn’t exist or that if it does,
         careers because no employer wants to take on a liability  the consequences of being cancelled are simply not as
         of a canceled person and face the music of the mob.   harsh as we say they are. Just look at J.K Rowling who

                                                               happened to be cancelled relatively recently and who
         Social  media  certainly  worsens  the  problem.  The  so-  also sells a book after another. The concept of cancel
         called interactions we have online are devoid of any real  culture  is  considered  to  be  childish  and  lacks
         human qualities; no eye contacts, human tones, and no  reasoning. Some of those who have been cancelled are
         empathy, which gives the chance for misunderstandings  still able to interact because people don’t care or have
         and get everyone to be prepared for attacking others. In  forgotten the situation already.
         South Korea for example, if an idol made a mistake with  Maybe it’s you and me who are not cancelled yet but
         no  intention  for  it,  like  not  greeting  back  another  idol  we  are  still  from  those  people  who  refrain  from
         unintentionally, the social sites roar for cancelling this  sharing  what  they  truly  think  about:  a  policy,  a
         idol,  which most of the times succeeds until this idol  politician,  a  video  game,  a  burger,  or  restrain
         apologizes  in  a  very  humiliating  way  by  showing  his  themselves from engaging in a debate about something
         guilt for this ‘unintentional mistake’. It’s stupid isn’t it?  that truly matters to them in fear of being cancelled for
         Like  who  doesn’t  even  make  some  mistakes  here  and  it.  The  unshared  idea  is  the  true  victim  of  cancel
         there?                                                culture. Even if that idea was eating carrots instead of

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