Page 14 - issue 29 En
P. 14
Yasmeen Alaa Eldin, Rawan Nader and Marihan Ayman
"Nothing has the same track for long period of time" We have made it clear that rejection is done to the
each of us has its own situations that make a remind perpetrators of mistakes, but it is surprising that the
of this phrase which used to console ourself. But it assailants were not handed over either.
may seem different when it comes to judging a
human being. Since last century, people have been More importantly, we shall to review the stories of
rejected in direct and indirect ways, which have been women who had not found a safe environment to
known as the cancel culture. complain about and express any aggression they
had suffered. They are simply willing to show what
The idea is that if we make a mistake or do an act that they are begging for. Social media are the refuge
society rejects. Although there are good deeds that that opens their arms to every opinion. But the
may serve us our fault, we can be sentenced to electronic platform that incorporates diverse views
exclusion from social activities, and we seem to be itself may turn to court and make rumors. Some
trapped in a box left by the parties of society as give themselves the right to distort and defame
punishment. others. Speed is also a mainstay in electronic
platforms. It may take seconds to completely reject
Some think it is an effective way to intimidate the target person. This phenomenon raises our
humans from committing unacceptable acts but thinking of addressing other criteria that may be
according to the law of life, human is a mixture of missed by the audience in the context of the
good and evil, so no one is naturally immune from disadvantages of electronic platforms. One of the
error. norms that we have to take into consideration is
whether we are able to make judgments. It is not
The accumulation of acts of rejection may create a fair to address them in every sense.
category of "socially marginalized." Growing
numbers of marginalized people may lead to actions It is a very strange thing that it is an eastern society
that society has no capacity to accept. This makes it that sanctify assets, but if women start to show what
more complicated. In fact, the marginalized are all they are exposed to or even if they present an
those who are condemned to reject their views and to important problem, some may seek to stigmatize
disclaim their right to speak. their opinions and thus become "rejected".