Page 11 - issue 29 En
P. 11

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

        Turning on how to cope with the desert climate of Siwa and
        describing their daily routine with the help of the Siwa people
        or those who visited it from among the students, the students
        denounced the ability of the people of Siwa to coexist with the
        climate of biting cold in winter and very hot in summer - which
        they could not bear during their visit to it - while the people of
        Siwa  mentioned  that  the  nature  of  the  place  is  what  dictates
        living conditions, and since the human nature is hereditary, so
        the body of the individual residing in Siwa has become adapted
        to  the  desert  nature.  In  addition  to  the  houses  built  using
        natural ingredients based on mud, which protected their people
        from  the  intense  heat  and  cold  of  the  night,  however  using
        those  houses  made  their  summers  damp  and  their  winters
        warm.  This  is  besides  the  fact  that  their  health  is  strong  and
        resilient because they are used to starting their day since dawn,
        and  each  of  them  practicing  their  work  until  sunset,  so  they
        stay up at night in a warm atmosphere. Moreover, they always
        use  the  gifts  that  God  gave  them,  starting  from  lands  full  of
        springs and wells and ending with basic agricultural crops  When  talking  about  the  most  famous  and  strangest  Siwa
        such  as  dates  and  olives,  so  all  houses  in  Siwa  don’t  live  customs and traditions, the students ’answers were limited to
        without  these  good  things.  Therefore,  the  abundance  of  food  their knowledge of some of the customs of marriage, which is
        and drink and other factors that gave Siwa people a sense of  that the wedding may last for seven days and that the bride’s
        self-sufficiency  and  adaptation  to  the  general  climate  of  the  dress is embroidered with seashells and the local and unique
        oasis.  The  two  sides  -  the  students  and  the  people  of  Siwa  -  Siwi dress, in addition to the Amazigh language spoken by the
        agreed that the nature of Siwa invites a feeling of activity and  Siwa  people  and  their  handicrafts  that  are  inherited  to
        refreshment in the souls of those who visit it or who live in it.  Generations  such  as  embroidery,  silver,  pottery,  salt
        The  students  -  upon  their  visit  -  woke  up  early  to  visit  the  industries,  making  dates  and  drying  them.  Here,  the  Siwa
        various  landmarks  of  Siwa  and  to  participate  in  its  activities  people told us about some of their most famous customs and
        during the day as well as at night, as they gathered together to  foods - which differ according to the occasion. In the wedding
        enjoy tea parties and night parties.                   we see the spirit of cooperation when the groom's friends go
                                                               to  the  field  to  take  the  "karchef"  plant  to  make  a  building
        Opinions  were  divided  when  the  students  were  asked  about  material with a unique composition of salt and other materials
        whether  they  see  themselves  residing  in  Siwa.  On  the  one  and mix it with clay to build a home for the newlyweds. The
        hand, some thought that of course they would like to go to the  “katb  El-  ketab”  held  on  Thursday  in  the  mosque,  which  is
        oasis for a visit for several days and enjoy its ancient history  followed  by  religious  evenings  and  meals  such  as  the
        and distinctive climate. However, the desert nature of Siwa and  "Ashngout", which is the grilled duck / chicken covered with
        that its social nature differs from Cairo will make it difficult for  crepe  or  tortillas  -  served  on  the  wedding  night  -  and  the
        them to stay there for a long time. While others wished to live  "Angeel"  bread  made  from  crushed  dates  and  flour  -  and
        there  to  get  away  from  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  Cairo,  served to the newlyweds on the wedding night and to guests at
        preferring calm and simplicity. On the other hand, the people  the wedding party - the "labsis", which is a type of sweets, and
        of Siwa saw that whoever used to travel and see other cities  the "Adshish", which is a wheat cooked in soup - and usually
        other than Siwa would return to it after realizing the value of  served on the last days of the wedding. As Birth, instead of
        nature,  tranquility,  stability,  psychological  comfort,  spacious  going  hospitals,  the  people  of  Siwa  call  for  an  old  woman
        lands  and  distinctive  house  shapes,  especially  since  the  pace  with experience in giving birth. In the past, they used to take
        and  nature  of  life  in  Cairo  is  characterized  by  speed  and  the  newborn  immediately  after  birth  to  the  shrine  of  "Sidi
        crowding, completely opposite to life in Siwa. As for the youth  Soliman" to make a feast before returning to his mother, with
        and those who did not have the opportunity to travel and visit  serving of "tanqutaat", which is the local pasta, to the guests
        different  cities,  we  see  them  overwhelmed  with  a  bit  of  in the first days after birth. As for the Festivals; On Eid al-
        curiosity to know what life outside the oasis looks like in terms  Adha, people come before the prayer with salt from the salt
        of  mobility,  job  opportunities,  luxury,  etc.,  and  therefore  we  lakes and after that they grill meat using salt and firewood. As
        find them unable to feel the advantages of life in Siwa and the  for Eid al-Fitr, what differs from the people in Cairo and in
        result is their amazement with everything that is in the  Siwa that Siwa people distribute sweets, cookies or money to
        cities.                                                those who fast for the first time.

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