Page 27 - Issue 62
P. 27
Ramadan Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023 ELITE
Kareem Ramadan in Egypt became distinguished by Then the conversation turned to family
certain customs and manifestations, some of traditions that add a kind of distinction to each
which were religious, such as Tarawih family individually, as it is a custom that is
prayers, and some of which were linked to passed down by one family from generation to
community solidarity, such as gathering generation. One of the students’ answers to
around <Mawa’id Al Rahman=, or that question was that his family is accustomed
distributing food to those who need it. The to always traveling at sunset time, and he is
group remembered the <Ramadan boxes= originally from a remote governorate. From
that some French department students collect the noise of the capital, while heading to it at
and distribute to workers at the Faculty and sunset, he contemplates the humanitarian
neighboring ones as well after purchasing meanings that are evident among the people at
their components with donations from their that time, as the residents of the areas on the
colleagues. On the other hand, they road, regardless of their sects, rush to
mentioned a custom that exists in many distribute dates and the highest quality juices
churches during the period of Great Lent and to those traveling in cars who were not lucky
the weeks preceding the glorious Easter, enough to break their fast with their families,
which is to hold <bagging= days, or to so those become their kind companions on
prepare cartons and bags of in-kind aid and their journey. The matter does not only stop
children’s toys to distribute them to the areas there, as the road is hardly devoid <Mawa’id
most in need. Everyone gathers in Church, Al Rahman=, which are filled with fasting
the young and the old to assemble the bags people from different classes who gather
and start distributing them. All Egyptians together in a scene that embodies social
agree on the importance of charity, solidarity in its finest form. Then one of the
distribution and care for the needy in these students discussed a tradition that is not only
religiously important times. related to her family individually, but rather
something related to the area in which she
One of the students mentioned the special lives, and it is a tradition that is not devoid of
memory of the first Ramadan in which he any <Mahrousa= area, which is related to
fasted. The students discussed the progression Ramadan decorations and the joy and
by which the children begin fasting. The happiness they spread. As soon as she sees
children begin Lent by fasting during Holy them, she feels as if the worries of the world
Week or fasting on Wednesday and Friday, have changed into a feeling of euphoria and
and Muslims begin fasting during Ramadan happiness that is incomparable. The beautiful
until noon, then they extend until afternoon thing about this is that in most areas, these
and finally until sunset. decorations are placed by children in the street
or area, who rush to collect the money
necessary to place them and cooperate together
to hang them in the best possible way. Also,
many consider part of their daily tradition in
Ramadan what is called <Al-Mesaharati=, as
he is considered part of the Ramadan heritage
in Egypt, and they pointed out that it is not
just a matter of waking them up at the time of
Suhoor, but rather that Al-Mesaharati calls
27 them by name daily, leaving an indelible
impression on them that remained since their