Page 24 - Issue 62
P. 24

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                                     Cairo University, the lighthouse of free thought and a source
                                                      of science and creative thinking!

                                 Hosny Shilo- PhD candidate, Palestinian journalist, from Ramallah, the West Bank, Occupied Palestine

                  On  the  top  of  all  Egyptian  universities,  and   Why Cairo University?
                  characterized  by  its  continuous  development,    Because it is a source of science and a long march
                  keeping pace with modern education, and led by its  of  giving.  That  university  from  which  Saddam
                  president  A.  Dr.  Mohamed  Othman  Al-Khasht,   Hussein,  Yasser  Arafat,  Taha  Hussein  and
                  overcome  a  new  rank  year  by  year  ,  to  announce  Mohamed Hassanein Heikal graduated, which is
                  every year their achievement of a new classification,  the  second  oldest  Egyptian  university  and  the
                  with a clear vision to maintain its scientific status  third in the Arab world after Al-Azhar University
                  and  its  strong  and  effective  personality,  it  is  the  and Al-Qarawiyin University, it was and still is a
                  dream for students from inside and outside Egypt.   lighthouse  of  free  thought  and  a  basis  for
                                                                      scientific  renaissance  and  a  bridge  qualified  to
                  Cairo  University  is  an  ancient  name  that  many  cross  into  scientific  and  practical  life,  and  a
                  leaders and pioneers have come out and are still on  rucible  in  which  the  necessary  cadres  from  all
                  the same pace, as soon as you enter its squares you  disciplines  are  to  participate  in  the  world's
                  feel awe and sophistication at the same time, as its  scientific   progress   and     technological
                  watch gives you a strange feeling between pride and  development.
                  pride, that hour, which was established in 1937, and
                  is the second oldest hour in the world after the Big  As  a  Palestinian  expatriate  to  study  at  Cairo
                  Ben in the British capital London, and its height is  University  in  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and
                  about  42  meters,  it  includes  four  hours,  and  five  Political  Science  for  a  doctoral  degree,  and
                  mechanical  bells,  every  quarter  of  an  hour  four  despite the fatigue that the student accompanies
                  minutes, every half hour is 8 minutes and every 45  in this college, he forgets that in the first lecture
                  minutes 12 minutes, but at the top of the clock, the  by Dr. Ali Al-Din Hilal, or Dr. Dalal Salama, the
                  largest bells ring four minutes.                    creative value of Dr. Nourhan Al-Sheikh, as well
                                                                      as  the  creative  thought  of  Dr.  Mohammed
                  Here  at  Cairo  University,  students  of  various  Salman  Taya  and  others  who  are  a  source  of
                  nationalities finds themselves between their people,  critical  and  progressive  thought,  where  it  opens
                  their second country, they find power of Arabism    the appetite for more culture and knowledge, but
                  and its good people, who embrace those who brings   even  distributes  the  culture  of  creative  thinking,
                  them  with  all  love  and  brotherhood,  there  is  no  to  remain  eager  for  the  next  lecture,  and  in  an
                  difference  between  anyone,  and  no  fear  of     effort to benefit from every minute in it. It is also
                  anything, the country of security and safety, which  received  by  the  college  administration  with
     24           was and will remain the beating heart of  all Arab  welcome  and  facilitates  for  things  a  a
                                                                      sophistication  in  dealing  and  a  smile  that  does
                                                                      not leave its employees.
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