Page 29 - Issue 62
P. 29
Ramadan Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023 ELITE
Ramadan: The Month of Minimalism
AbuBakr Mamoon - Second Year - Political Sciences - English Section
The blessed month of Ramadan comes to Then, after the breaking of the fast, comes the
us, bringing with it a profound change in Tarawih prayer, which takes up a large part of
the soul of each of us. While it is primarily a the night, so as not to leave room for the desires
religious season characterized by specific of laziness in the soul to settle into its usual ways.
acts of worship that are not found in any Rather, the worshiper stands up and revives his
other month, it also compels man to change night until the Suhur meal comes, when he
his entire lifestyle to conform to the sustains himself with "a few morsels that
atmosphere and rituals of this blessed strengthen his back."
month. It takes us on a journey to test our This deliberate closure of the sources of intestinal
habits, abilities, and thoughts about nutrition, along with the reduction of rest hours,
ourselves, and places them all in a different will lead the person to another minimalism in
context to reveal aspects of the human physical energy. Here, you will see those who
personality that have long been hidden were suffering - to some extent - from ADHD;
under the weight of materiality and the veil they can barely focus on one thing - at least until
of habit. their bodies adapt to the new situation. And
The main practice associated with because man is an economic being by nature, he
Ramadan, namely fasting, is primarily a seeks to exert the least effort to achieve the
minimalist practice. It lightens food and greatest benefits, so fatigue will lead him to spend
drink, as the fasting person voluntarily his time on business tasks and lighten up on their
refrains from food and drink for the entire trivia. This in itself is a noble goal that has a
day. Those who are concerned with the profound effect on the education of the soul.
purification of the soul, from religious We continue through the nights of the month
scholars to philosophers and even until we reach the last ten days. There, the
naturalists, have agreed on the great impact Prophet PBUH taught us a new form of
of reducing food on the softness of the minimalism, which is minimalism from human
heart, the lightness of the soul, and its interactions. This is represented in the act of
transparency and liberation from the weight I'tikaf, in which the fasting person secludes
of materiality and its aspiration to the himself from his family and stays in the mosque
29 highest place. It suffices for us Muslims the day and night, fulfilling the pillars of behavior
saying of the Prophet PBUH: "The son of that are guided by the doctors of the hearts: Lack
Adam has not filled a vessel worse than his of food, lack of sleep, lack of speech, and
isolation from people.