Page 30 - Issue 62
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Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE

   Kareem           This  minimalism  from  material In  our  contemporary  world,  we

                    things  empties  the  receiving find  a  formidable  obstacle  that

                    place, which is the human heart, cuts  off  the  path  of  its  follower,
                    to receive another concern from which  is  the  consumerist  lifestyle

                    the outpourings of divine giving. that  leads  many  to  deviate  from

                    It  receives  supplies  of  ambition the  high  purpose  of  the  rituals  of

                    and  light,  spaciousness  and the month to forms of luxury that
                    happiness,  which  cannot  be exceed  the  usual  throughout  the

                    reached  by  material  means  in year. So, we burden ourselves and

                    any  way.  And  whoever  tastes the  days  of  the  month  instead  of

                    knows!                                          being busy weighing our scales and
                    The        wise       Lawgiver           has lightening  our  souls,  which  misses

                    prescribed  for  us  these  ranks  of out  on  a  unique  journey  through

                    minimalism in order to show the the realms of the soul, which does

                    human  caliph  the  preciousness not  end  except  in  the  presence  of

                    of  his  metal,  which,  when  its the Holy!
                    echoes  are  polished,  fills  the Ramadan  passes  us  by  like  a

                    world  with  brilliance  and  shine. mirror  that  reflects  the  image  of

                    It  makes  room  for  him  to  hear the human being who longs for the

                    the  echo  of  the  call  of  truth  in first  homeland,  free  from  the

                    himself, to see the manifestations attachments  of  the  mortal  body,
                    of  the  divine  secret  in  his lightened from the pleasures of the

                    behavior.  After  Ramadan,  we commanding  self.  The  human

                    will  see  that  our  habits  and being in his highest state.

                    thoughts  may  change,  and  our Then  it  leaves  us  with  a  pressing

                    abilities may double.                           question in the mind of each of us:
                    However,  people's  gain  from What  changes  after  Ramadan?

                    Ramadan  will  inevitably  vary What                         has       changed          during

                    depending  on  their  readiness  to Ramadan?  Man  is  man,  and  God

                    carry  themselves  to  change  in is God. Although the month is full

                    line  with  its  pattern,  which  is of divine breezes, these breezes do
                    difficult  at  first,  but  soon  its not  stop  throughout  the  year.  It

     30             hardship  turns  into  sweetness depends  on  the  receiving  where,
                    and  pleasure,  like  any  pleasure not on the time itself. So why isn't

                    that follows fatigue!                           the whole year Ramadan?
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