Page 28 - Issue 62
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Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                  Then  the  group  moved  on  to  talk  about  the  Then  came  the  question  that  really  calls  for
                  songs and tunes specific to Ramadan, which         attention,  which  is  regarding  the  coincidence
                  have  been  stuck  in  people’s  minds  since      of  Ramadan  among  Muslims  with  the  Great
                  childhood and are always linked to a memory        Lent  among  Copts,  and  the  extent  to  which
                  that is dear to the heart and never forgotten.     this  reflects  on  the  Egyptian  people  as  one

                  One  of  the  students  expressed  her  strong     cohesive  fabric  united  by  affection,  love,  and
                  attachment to the song <Wahwi Ya Wahwi,=           brotherhood, regardless of differences in belief.
                  which  is  a  song  from  Egyptian  folklore  that  One  of  the  students’  answers  was  that  the
                  was  transmitted  through  generations  and        beautiful  thing  about  it  for  her  is  that  all
                  became  part  of  the  fabric  of  the  Egyptian   segments  of  the  people  practice  one  of  their
                  people  during  Ramadan.  As  for  Ramadan         religious  rituals  that  is  important  to  them  at
                  advertisements, most of the students pointed       the same time, which is a rare occurrence. This
                  out  their  strong  attachment  to  those          is  what  prompted  us  to  address  the  question
                  advertisements  and  how  everyone  turns  into    regarding  the  intellectual  aspect  of  fasting,
                  artistic  critics  who  rush  to  evaluate  them,  whether among Muslims or their Coptic peers,
                  which  made  the  various  companies  compete      and what it means on the spiritual and social
                  with  each  other  to  produce  them  in  the  best  level. We found that fasting is not only related
                  possible  way  that  would  attract  everyone’s    to  abstaining  from  eating  a  certain  food  or
                  attention and become part of their Ramadan         drink,  as  its  impact  extends  to  the  social
                  heritage. The students mentioned a few of the      aspect, which is reflected in human behavior in
                  advertisements  that  stuck  in  their  minds.  As  various aspects of their lives in terms of feeling
                  soon as they remember them, they feel happy        gratitude  and  gratitude  to  God  for  His
                  and it takes them back to times and memories       blessings.  These  are  the  blessings  that  we  are

                  that are firmly entrenched in their minds, such    almost  familiar  with,  but  in  reality,  looking
                  as:  the  advertisement  for  one  of  the  mobile  around us at what is happening in the occupied
                  companies known as <Ashan Lazem Nekoun             Holy Lands and the extent of the suffering of
                  Ma’  Ba’d=  which  prompted  many                  the  Palestinian  people  to  obtain  the  basics  of
                  companies to follow the same approach in           life to survive, all of this prompts us to thank
                  terms  of  <social  character=  due  to  the       God for the abundant blessings which we may

                  overwhelming success he achieved at that           neglect. We also confirmed that fasting instills
                  time. One of the students also referred to         in  ourselves  a  kind  of  refinement  and
                  the  artist  <Sherihan’s=  advertisement,          discipline,  which  is  represented  by  abstaining
                                                                     from food and drink for periods of time, and
                  which came at the time of the outbreak of          this reflects on all aspects of our lives in terms

                  the  Corona  pandemic.  The  student               of organizing time and work and its noticeable
                  indicated  that  this  advertisement  was  a       positive  impact  on  academic  performance
                  fundamental incentive for her to study her         compared to different times of the year, as well
                  lessons,  as  the  advertisement  coincided        as  disciplining  oneself  to  have  good  morals

                  with her studying in her final year of high        and    the    values    of    giving    without
                  school.  This  advertisement  was  also  an        compensation,  and  getting  rid  of  the  ego  in
                  important  factor  for  communication              terms of feeling for others and their suffering.
                  across  different  generations,  as  the  artist

                  <Sherihan=      was     also    known       for
     28           performing  <Fawazeer  Ramadan=  in  the

                  past, which helped to address all different
                  age groups at the same time.
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