Page 23 - Issue 62
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Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                  (Aya  Osama),  a  2019  political  science  graduate, He  shared  his  experience  and  his  dream  of
                  presented  her  experience  in  development  work joining  since  he  was  in  school,  and  his
                  before  joining  the  Foreign  Ministry  in  various  experience in applying more than once until he
                  ministries,   such    as    the   Ministry    of  succeeded,  and  he  stressed  that  the  applicant
                  Communications,       her     participation   in  must  be  confident  and  patient.  (Ziad)
                  representing  Egypt  in  international  forums  and  suggested  that  the  faculty  holds  ongoing
                  development  institutions,  and  her  work  in    seminars  to  enrich  students’  knowledge  and
                  planning  and  designing  various  projects  in  this  expose  them  to  more  information  about  the
                  sector.  (Aya)  explained  that  setting  goals  and  Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
                  working  on  them  begins  from  joining  college
                  until  taking  exams,  and  that  we  research  and  (Mahmoud  Medhat),  a  graduate  of  the
                  expand  in  various  fields  with  continuous     Department  of  Political  Science  for  the  year
                  research.                                         2021,  presented  his  experience  in  the  college
                  (Rahma  Khaled),  a  2017  graduate  of  the      and  the  importance  of  the  information  we
                  Department of Economics, who is considered the    receive in the college and that it is what helped
                  second oldest person to join the diplomatic corps  him pass the exams. He praised his experience
                  this  year,  added.  Rahma  faced  the  challenge  of in  training  at  the  Diplomatic  Institute  before
                  being  a  graduate  of  the  Department  of joining the Foreign Ministry and how positive
                  Economics and that she had not studied subjects the  experience  was  in  determining  his
                  such  as  international  law  and  other  subjects  on destination and path despite the diversity of his
                  which exams are evaluated, but she had studied    experience.  The  process  in  the  banking  field.
                  political  economy  and  her  knowledge  of  the  And  last  but  not  least,  (Ahmed  Nagy),  a
                  connection  between  economics  and  politics  and  graduate of the Department of Political Science
                  her  knowledge  of  the  dimensions  of  decision-  - French Section for the year 2020, concluded
                  making was what made her join the Ministry of     the seminar <from the Faculty to the Ministry
                  Foreign  Affairs.  She  advised  those  wishing  to  of  Foreign  Affairs,=  where  he  shared  his
                  apply and experience the opportunities available  experience in the niche department of Foreign
                  to  them  since  graduation  to  enroll,  while   Debt  at  the  Ministry  of  Planning  and
                  enjoying  every  step  in  the  progress  journey
                  because  it  will  become  special  memories.  (Ziad  Economic Development, which in turn helped
                  Al-Tahri),  a  graduate  of  the  Department  of  him with information and practical experiences
                  Political  Science  for  the  year  2019,  participated  in  dealing  with  various  ministries  and  state
                  and  emphasized  the  point  that  there  are  many  sectors. In his progress and success in tests.
                  job   opportunities   for   graduates   of   the
                  Department of Political Science, and he proved it
                  with  his  experience  as  an  international
                  cooperation  officer  at  the  Ministry  of  Local
                  Development,  and  his  work  at  the  American
                  University  and  strategic  research  centers,  which
                  he  concluded  with  his  work  at  the  Embassy  of
                  India  until  he  joined  the  Ministry  of  Foreign <You  know  that  you  are  ready  when  you  are
                  Affairs as a diplomatic attaché.                   not ready.= This is a saying with which (Ahmed)
                                                                     concluded  his  speech  and  explained  that  our
                                                                     presence  in  college  is  not  enough  to  be
                                                                     diplomats. Rather, we must be certain that there
                                                                     is a lot to learn in order to become an Egyptian
     23                                                              diplomat,  and  to  complete  that  journey  and

                                                                     arrive. I am certain that it is a difficult journey
                                                                     and no It can be individual, share the road with
                                                                     those you love.
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