Page 22 - Issue 62
P. 22
Ramadan Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023 ELITE
He concluded his speech by encouraging and it is not necessary for it to be the first time,
students to take advantage of the opportunities and that on the contrary, if your experience of
provided by the college and the current era, taking the exam is repeated, this is an
which offers various sources of knowledge, advantage because you have prior knowledge
learning, and collaboration with professors. of the exam format and not others. She
This creates a greater opportunity for students explained the importance of knowing
to compete nationwide for positions within the languages, especially Arabic, because the
Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. evaluation is not only based on the content,
After Ambassador El Orabi's speech, each but also includes the method of presentation.
diplomatic attaché shared their experience of Subsequently, (Samia Gamal), a graduate of
joining the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign the Department of Political Science, shared her
Affairs. The participation began with (Salma experience working in various government
Adnan), a graduate of the Department of sectors in international cooperation offices and
Political Science for the year 2019. (Salma) the various activities in which she worked while
shared her experience in development work she was still in college in order to develop her
and obtaining a master’s degree in foreign skills until she was able to pass the tests of the
affairs from the American University in Cairo. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Then (Alaa Zein),
She explained her keen interest in development, a graduate of political science, participated in
especially empowering women and facilitating the year 2017, and she is considered the largest
the transition to the formal market, and enrollee in the current batch. Once (Alaa)
stressed that from her experience in different graduated, she worked at the Ministry of
countries, she found that a graduate of the Youth and Sports, specifically in African
Faculty of Economics and Political Science affairs programs, and that experience was what
showed a clear distinction from others. She prompted her to take the exams in 2018 for the
explained how much she loved the academy first time, which she did not succeed in, but she
and wanted to apply this practically, so the tried for the second time and passed. The secret
Egyptian Ministry for Foreign Affairs was the for success was to use the information correctly
ideal place for practical application. in the answers. She stressed that the idea that
<graduates of the Faculty of Political Science
will not find a job after graduation= is false,
and that she moved between many ministries
and her journey was full of experiences and
Then (Lana Darragh), a 2019 graduate of the
Department of Political Science, participated.
(Lana) explained the advantage of students
from the Faculty of Economics and Political
Science over other applicants because of our
prior knowledge of the exam materials. She
22 emphasized the importance of persistence and
not despair, because you may pass the exams
after several times