Page 17 - Issue 62
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Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE

   Kareem         Dr.  Hanan  Mohamed  Ali  also  conveyed           Several  research  centers  and  units  were

                  thanks  to  Ambassador  Adel  El-Maliji,           established  within  the  college,  such  as  the
                  President  of  the  Association  of  Graduates  of  Center  for  Economic  Studies,  Center  for
                  the College of Economics and Political Science,    Political  Studies,  and  Statistical  Surveys
                  for his efforts in strengthening the ties among    Center, along with other units like Information
                  the graduates.                                     Systems  and  Digital  Transformation  Unit,
                  Thanks  were  also  extended  to  several  other   Women's  Studies  Unit,  Employment  and
                  individuals  and  entities,  such  as  former  deans  Training  Unit,  Consulting  and  Student
                  of  the  college,  representatives  from  Banque   Support Unit, and the Green Office.
                  Misr, parents, students, and the 1973 and 1998     In  conclusion,  gratitude  was  expressed  to  all
                  batches,  for  uplifting  the  college's  reputation.  individuals who contributed to organizing this
                  Farewells  were  bid  to  the  1973  and  1998     ceremony,     with    sincere   greetings   and
                  batches, wishing them a bright future.             appreciation.
                  Dr. Hanan praised the College of Economics at

                  Cairo  University,  describing  it  as  the  jewel  of  During  the  graduation  ceremony  of  the  2023
                  the  university  and  its  distinctive  emblem,    batch  of  the  College  of  Economics  and
                  possessing  numerous  prestigious  titles  such  as  Political  Science,  Cairo  University,  Dr.
                  "Egypt's Harvard" and "Noble of the Nobles",       Mohamed  El-Khosht  praised  the  students'
                  due  to  its  illustrious  history  dating  back  to  resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic and
                  1959, becoming one of the prominent colleges       the     university's   success     in    digital
                  in Egypt, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.       transformation  and  remote  learning.  He
                  She  highlighted  the  college's  excellence  in   highlighted the college's developments, such as
                  various achievements, including being the first    the  establishment  of  an  international  journal,
                  social  sciences  college  to  receive  national   winning  the  Government  Excellence  Award,
                  accreditation  in  2011  from  the  National       and  ISO  certifications.  He  also  praised  the
                  Authority     for   Quality    Assurance     and   university's progress on the international level,
                  Accreditation, and the renewal of accreditation    its  ranking  among  the  top  300  global
                  in  2017  and  2023.  Additionally,  the  college  universities,  the  establishment  of  Cairo

                  obtained ISO 9001 and 21001 certificates from      International University, and the accreditation
                  2021 to 2023 and achieved second place in the      of  four  international  colleges.  The  ceremony
                  Government  Excellence  Award  among  454          witnessed  the  honoring  of  Dr.  Mohamed  El-
                                                                     Khosht and several guests and graduates of the
                  government colleges in 2021.                       college.
                  Moreover,  the  college  developed  several  joint
                  programs  with  international  universities  such
                  as  Sorbonne,  Chicago,  Hamburg,  Cambridge,
                  Sussex, and the University of East London, as
                  well  as  joint  programs  with  local  institutions
                  such as the Administrative Control Authority,
                  Nasser  Military  Academy,  War  College,  and
                  Misr El Kheir Foundation.

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