Page 16 - Issue 62
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Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                                               Class of 2023, 1998 and 1973 graduate’s


                                                           Monday, March 4, 2024

                                                               Rodaina Nader_ 4th Year_ Political Science

                   College  of  Economics  and  Political  Science,  She  then  expressed  appreciation  to  Professor
                   Cairo  University  celebrated  the  graduation  of  Dr.  Mohamed  Othman  El-Khosht,  President
                   the  2030  batch,  the  silver  jubilee  of  the  1998  of Cairo University, for his efforts in elevating
                   batch, and the golden jubilee of the 1973 batch.  the university's status and leading it to join the
                   It  was  on  Monday,  March  4th,  2024,  at  the  ranks of fourth-generation universities, aiming
                   Grand  Celebration  Hall  of  Cairo  University,  to  raise  the  university's  ranking  to  surpass
                   under the patronage of Dr. Mohamed Othman         many  prestigious  European  and  American

                   El-Khosht (President of Cairo University) and     Universities.
                   the  supervision  of  Dr.  Hanan  Mohamed  Ali    Furthermore,  gratitude  was  extended  to
                   (Acting Dean of the College).                     Professor  Dr.  Mohamed  Sami  Abdel-Sadek,
                                                                     Vice    President   of    the   University    for
                   The agenda for the day was as follows:            Community       Service   and    Environmental
                   ·Gathering at the college and wearing academic    Development, for his efforts in connecting the
                   robes from 10:00 AM                               university with the community and striving to
                   ·Group photo in front of the college from 11:30   enhance it and solve its problems. In addition,
                   AM to 12:30 PM                                    appreciation  was  directed  to  Professor  Dr.
                   ·Procession  of  graduates  to  the  dome  from   Ahmed  Ragab,  Vice  President  of  the
                   12:30 PM to 1:30 PM                               University for Education and Student Affairs,
                   ·Commencement of ceremony inside the hall at      for  his  efforts  in  enhancing  the  educational
                   2:00 PM                                           process.

                   Dr. Hanan Mohamed Ali opened the ceremony
                   with  words  of  gratitude,  beginning  with  a
                   Quranic verse: "Allah bears witness that there
                   is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels
                   and  those  of  knowledge  -  [that  He  is]
                   maintaining  [creation]  in  justice.  There  is  no
      16           deity  except  Him,  the  Exalted  in  Might,  the
                   Wise."[Quran 3:18-20].
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