Page 19 - Issue 41
P. 19

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

           And  this  substance  became  famous  and  more on  June  14th  of  the  same  year,  Paris  did  not
           familiar  to  everyone  after  the  American  series withstand  this  attack,  they  never  expected  the
           “breaking  bad”  achieved  overwhelming  fame, Germans'  ability  to  reach  it  so  quickly,  and  you

           which  was  about  a  chemistry  teacher  who  turns  can see the shock of the French when Hitler stood
           into the most dangerous drug dealer in the world next to the Eiffel Tower to celebrate the crushing
           after his ability to produce methamphetamine with   victory with a commemorative photo that gathers
           the  help  of  his  student,  and  most  documentaries  him with the symbol of Paris.
           and reports indicated the role of this drug in World  And despite the end of the war and the bitter loss
           War  II  and  the  warring  countries’  use  of  it  in  of the Nazi and the passage of decades since this
           general and passing it on to their soldiers to urge  human  tragedy,  the  moral  crime  that  Hitler
           them to fight fiercely, and Nazi Germany’s use of   committed  against  his  soldiers  still  gains
           it  in  particular.  Where  since  1939  and  with  the  everyone's attention to this day. As Hitler has set
           beginning of the war, it has been moving at a slow  his  desire  for  victory  above  the  Humanity  of  his
           pace  and  timidly  from  everyone's  side  till  May  soldiers.  And  reports  have  shown  that  suicide
           1940,  when  Nazi  Germany,  led  by  Hitler,  began  among German soldiers, as a result of depression

           occupying France, and all estimates indicated that  during the war, reached a terrifying rate, and that
           this  invasion  needed  more  than  a  month  in  order  was due to crystal meth addiction, as the soldiers
           for the Nazi forces to reach Paris, which came as a  were taking these pills on a daily basis throughout
           surprise.                                           the  war,  which  affected  their  psychological  and
                                                               physical ability in the long run.
                                                               And  finally,  Hitler  actually  won  the  Battle  of
           Everyone  knew  that  the  German  forces  needed  a
           week or more to cross the French Ardennes, which    France  and  made  quick  and  crushing  military
                                                               progress,  but  he  committed  a  crime  against
           reassured Paris and thus it was still preparing for
           the confrontation, meanwhile Hitler, with the help  humanity, a moral crime that will forever be tied
                                                               to the name of the Nazi.
           of  an  army  of  zombies,  were  able  to  cross  the
           Ardennes  in  just  three  days  and  three  nights,  by
           passing  heavy  doses  of  a  drug  called  "Pervitin"
           containing crystal meth to the German soldiers at
           the front, which helped them wake up throughout
           the  invasion,  which  lasted  for  days  fighting  with
           extreme  brutality,  violence  and  unlimited  energy,
           as  if  they  had  already  been  stripped  of  their
           humanity, and thus Hitlerberg arrived to Paris
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