Page 14 - Issue 41
P. 14

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

          As, while Pablo paid great attention to the quality of
          the lyrics in his tracks, he also collaborated with great
          music producers like Molotof - who was his partner
          in success and a direct reason for making rap music
          mainstream  due  to  his  two  most  famous
          collaborations  “El  Gemeza”  with  Pablo  and  “Dorak
          Gai”  with  Wegz  -  who  managed  to  create  a  new
          mixture between trap music and mahragant and called
          it the “Molowave”.
          He  was  also  careful  to  collaborate  with  extremely
          creative directors who managed to show the different  Any follower of the Egyptian rap scene at that time
          sides  of  his  personality  in  a  multitude  of  ways  like  could  clearly  understand  what  Pablo  was
          Mohsen  Sherif,  the  director  of  “Free”  which  some  experiencing and feeling. For after the release of “El
          fans  regard  to  be  one  of  the  best,  if  not  THE  best  Gemeza”, Pablo managed to garner a huge following
          music video ever made in the rap scene.            from  outside  the  rap  scene,  which  earned  him  the
          However,  smart  collaborations  weren’t  what  made  criticism  of  the  “die-hard  hip-hop  heads”  who  saw
          Pablo different. Pablo’s uniqueness stems both from  that their underground art is slowly being stolen and
          the  quality  that  he  delivers  as  well  as  from  Pablo  diluted to fit the standards of becoming mainstream.
          himself.  His  charismatic  presence  in  front  of  the  On the other hand, many people began to think that
          camera,  his  unrivaled  smile  and  his  down  to  earth  “El  Gemeza”  is  a  representation  of  what  the  rap
          personality were what differentiated him from all of  scene  offers  and  began  to  attack  the  scene  as  the
          his rivals in the scene.                           track was very simplistic in its lyrics. However, this
          Marwan Pablo: Endgame?                             is a very shallow way to view a full genre, while also
          On  February  14  of  2020,  Pablo  announced  that,  for  bearing  in  mind  that  the  track  was  more  of  a
          personal and religious reasons, he will no longer be  mahragan sung by a rapper than a pure rap track.
          making music. Shortly after, he removed all pictures  However, after his retirement, the rap scene began to
          and  videos  from  both  his  YouTube  channel  and  feel like it has lost a part of its soul. Which goes to
          Instagram account. He later explained that the main  show that Pablo’s presence was a corner stone in the
          reason he retired is "the pressure that was forced on  scene and with his absence, the rap scene began to
          him,  the  different  levels  of  expectations  that  people  lose the sense of competition that was ongoing then
          have cornered him within, and the constant labeling".  between him and Wegz.
          He said that he needed a break to "recharge himself  People began to wonder. Is this really the “endgame”
          without being cornered".                           for Marwan Pablo?
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