Page 9 - Issue 41
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ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

                    Brain Drain : Why our youth are

                                obsessed with travel?                                    A Discussion

               Caroline Sherif, Reem Omran, Zeina Marei, Jumana Khaled, Salma Tageldin, Mariam Hefny, Norhan Khaled
           The  phenomenon  of  “brain  drain”  is  not  necessarily  Recently,  we  have  witnessed  the  events  of  the  migration  of
           considered  a  new  one,  as  the  world  has  previously  1200 Algerian doctors to European Union (EU) countries after
           witnessed its occurrence during the 19th and 20th centuries  passing the Épreuves de vérification des connaissances (EVC)
           as people moved from all across Europe to settle in North  test that France holds to grant their certificate of education the
           America.  The  first  noted  usage  of  this  specific  term,  necessary equivalence status need for medical practice there. It
           however, can be traced back to the year 1960 when it was  is  notable  that  only  2000  spots  were  originally  available,  as
           used  to  refer  to  the  migration  of  British  scientists  to  the  that cycle had participants from 24 countries outside the EU,
           United States.                                    the overwhelming majority of which came from Algeria.
           This  phenomenon  has  now  become  most  common  and  Having  noticed  the  prevalence  of  this  phenomenon,  Elite’s
           widespread,  and  we  often  hear  remarks  amongst  young  editorial team decided to prepare a report in order to seek the
           people expressing their belief that the mere possibility of a  opinions  of  the  students  from  various  Cairo  University
           future  lies  only  abroad.  They  maintain  that  it  is  the  sole  faculties such as the Faculty of Media, Law, Arts, Pharmacy,
           window  or  “getaway”  to  enjoying  a  decent  life,  let  alone  Commerce,  Dentistry,  Engineering,  and  others  on  such  a
           become  surrounded  by  an  environment  suitable  for  fascinating topic. We started our dialogue by asking students
           scientific research and development as well as creativity.   about  the  phenomenon  of  brain  drain.  What  crosses  their
           Although  the  main  regions  in  the  world  affected  by  this  minds when they hear this expression?
           phenomenon are Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean  Most answered that they had never heard of it before. Some
           Sea  area  according  to  the  Organization  for  Economic  thought  it  might  be  related  to  having  a  lack  of  focus  and  a
           Cooperation and Development (OECD), brain drain is not  tendency  for  distraction,  and  others  thought  that  they  meant
           limited  or  confined  to  migration  from  developing  to  individual fantasies for each of us, while only a few of them
           developed  countries  only.  It  can  also  occur  between  knew the meaning of that word.
           developed ones such as China and the United States where  Having defined the phenomenon correctly for those who had
           there are better job opportunities than provided by others.   not  been  aware  of  it,  we  followed  up  with  a  question  on
           Still, what is brain drain?                       whether or not they have seen the spread of this phenomenon
           It  is  the  process  through  which  a  country  loses  academic  in Egypt. The majority agreed that it has been widespread for a
           and technological resources through the transfer of human  long  time,  but  with  the  increase  in  collective  awareness  and
           capital  to  countries  with  a  more  suitable  political  and  the  differences  in  beliefs  and  ideas,  it  has  increased
           economic climate for them, which leads to the suffering of  significantly,  especially  among  those  looking  for  a  better
           the countries of origin and prosperity to the host counties or  educational level or more income and salaries. A number of
           diaspora.  United  Nations  Educational,  Scientific  and  interviewees  expressed  their  sorrow  at  the  magnitude  of
           Cultural   Organization   (UNESCO)   describes   this  experiences  and  capabilities  lost  that  could  have  been
           phenomenon  as  “an  abnormal  form  of  scientific  exchange  developed, and which are generally considered the main driver
           between countries, characterized by a one-way flow in favor  of any country’s overall development. This phenomenon has
           of the most highly developed countries.”          robbed a large part of Egypt’s intellectual reserve and human
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