Page 8 - Issue 41
P. 8

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

         He wrapped his cloak around him and his turban on
         his head, lit his lighter, and left his room.
         He  walked  around  the  cemetery,  for  which  he  had
         worked as a guard, from one end to another.
         He lay on the ground and put his ears over the grave
         of this woman, but he did not hear anything.
         He whispered to himself: Maybe it’s the spirit of a

         dead one.
         He remembered his grandmother who told stories to
         the village’s children about spirits.
         He thought a little to himself and said: Or maybe it’s
         the  grave’s  torment  for  one  of  the  dead  who  has
         infringed upon the rights of others, lost themselves
         in  sins,  strayed  from  the  right  path  in  his  life  and
         shall be wretched in the end.
         And here is the sound again, but this time it seems  The old lady approached him, patted his shoulder
         further.                                             and gave him the child saying: Would you say the
         He  walked  apprehensively  out  of  the  cemetery,  blessings (Islamic call to Prayers) in her ear?
         searching for the sound, following its direction.    He took her, held her lightly and looked at her for
         The whimpering and screaming getting higher.         long in astonishment.

         He  said  to  himself:  Maybe  it’s  an  ill  woman  And said: she is moving her hands and her feet…
         suffering from pain just like my mother did…         and her head too!
         So he walked faster… Perhaps he could save her.      The woman looked at him in wonder: It seems that
         Finally, he found its source, there, from the room of  you haven’t held newborns before.
         a cemetery’s guard on the further road.              He  replied:  I  only  carry  the  dead  who  don’t
         As he got closer to the cemetery… the whimpering     move…  wrapped  in  white  cloth  and  can’t  look
         stopped…  And  instead  there  was  noise  and  more  around… nor are they aware of their surroundings.
         movement.                                            And  then  he  started  whispering  the  blessings
         He said to himself: Maybe this room is haunted.      (Islamic Call to Prayers) in the baby’s ears while
         His breathing got louder... and his limbs trembled…  staring at her. And when he was done he asked the
         And then he heard a child’s cry.                     woman: Why was she crying before?
         He became still and said: Oh my… maybe a child is    She  said:  she  wasn’t  crying  she  was  singing  the
         crying for the loss of his mother.                   song of life.
         Amid his confusion and while he turned to return to  And when he told her about what happened to his
         his  room,  The  door  was  opened,  An  old  woman  mother and about his dreams.
         came out holding a white wrapping.                   She  said,  “My  son,  the  pain  of  labor  may  be
         She greeted him, smiled and said: Our apologies, my  similar  to  the  throes  of  death,  and  between  them
         daughter in law had a difficult delivery.            there is life.

         She gave birth to a girl and we called her Maysara.  And  from  the  cry  of  birth  to  the  wailing  after
         She added with happiness glittering in her eyes: Here  death… life passes…
         comes  Maysara,  A  new  life  has  begun  manifesting  And between sorrow and happiness is the meaning
         God’s miracle.                                       of life…
         The young man is still speechless, bewildered by the

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