Page 5 - Issue 41
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ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

           him with skills through which he was able to enter  and  NATO,  to  draw  the  features  of  the  new
           the  labor  market  and  life,  as  it  equips  its  students  international order, and that the general shape of the
           with the knowledge and the ability to improve skills  crisis shows us from his point of view that it is one
           and abilities, as well as the ability to invest in oneself  of the new Cold War conflicts between the Russian
           and  deal  with  everything  systematically,  and  it  and  American  powers.  Since  the  fall  of  the  Soviet
           teaches  its  students  the  ability  to  become  unique  Union until now, America has been at the frontline of
           from other students and The fact that the majority of  the  world  order,  and  with  the  rise  of  Russia  as  a
           remarkable  scholars  have  graduated  from  the    rising power again, with China near behind, America
           institution, in addition to ministers and distinguished  has  felt  threatened,  as  evidenced  by  the  American
           personalities  who  are  members  of  this  platform  of  national  security  strategy,  whether  under  Trump  or
           Feps, provides evidence to how this place owes him  Biden,  which  asserts  that  China  and  Russia  are
           a lot. Dr Ahmed indicated his gratitude to a number  America's  strategic  adversaries  and  that  these
           of  professors,  headed  by  Prof.  Dr.  Abdul-Malik  countries,  from  America's  point  of  view,  pose  a
           Odeh,  Prof.  Dr.  Ahmed  Al-Rashidi,  and  Prof.  Dr.  threat  establishing  a  multipolar  world  order  and  to
           Muhammad Al-Sayed Salim "God's mercy be upon        overthrow  America's  leadership,  which  in  their
           them" and Other personalities, such as Professor Dr.  opinion  was  the  cause  of  the  destruction  and
           Ahmed  Youssef,  are  still  among  us,  and  he    devastation,  as  America  intervened  in  the
           recognizes that they were always distinctive in every  international sovereignty of a multitude of countries
           sense, that their connection with them was not only  around the world, the Ukrainian crisis popped up as
           academic,  but  also  human,  and  that  they  always  one of the areas of conflict, and the crisis here was
           contained their students, and that he was grateful to  utilized by everyone, as they took advantage of the
           every  professor  who  taught  him  during  his  college  contradictions  in  Ukraine  and  the  division  between
           years.                                              eastern  Ukraine,  where  the  Donbass  region,  the
                                                               rebels  who  spoke  Russian  and  are  of  Russian
                                                               ethnicity,  and  western  Ukraine,  which  wants  to
                                                               secede  from  Russia  and  join  the  EU  and  Nato  and
                                                               therefore Ukraine has been used as an arena for the
                                                               strategic  conflict  between  Russia  and  America,
                                                               where the Russians support the rebels in the Donbass
                                                               who  want  independence  and  separation  from
                                                               Ukraine,  and  the  West  supports  the  Ukrainian
                                                               government  and  the  Ukrainian  Army,  He  believes
                                                               that the conflict has now been staged, despite the fact
                                                               that it began in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea,
                                                               and that it is now a proxy war between Russia and its
           Then we went on to another issue, as the Russian-   allies, who back the separatist republics of Donetsk
           Ukrainian situation is unquestionably the talk of   and  Lugansk,  and  the  West,  led  by  NATO  and  the
           the  hour.  We  were  curious  as  to  how  you,  as  United States who support the Ukrainian government
           experts,  saw  this  situation  in  terms  of  origins  and  and army, which attempted to abuse the situation and
           repercussions.                                      create a conflict with Russia when seeking Ukraine's
           Dr Ahmed argues that this crisis is one of the new  NATO  membershipRussia  did  not  remain  silent
           war  arenas,  that  it  is  a  part  of  the  great  conflict  about  this  matter  and  considered  it  a  threat  to  its
           between America and its allies on the one hand, and  national security, and all this was taking advantage
           Russia and its allies on the other, that it is a proxy  of the internal turmoil in Ukraine. Russia wanted to
           war conflict, and that Ukraine is a card that has been  show the countries of Europe and the world that it is
           used by both parties, whether Russia or America and   not Russia that lost the Cold War in the nineties.

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