Page 3 - Issue 41
P. 3

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

                                            Article title
                     Interview with the journalist Dr. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed:
                 Studying in Feps,the Ukrainian crisis, and what is new in the
                                          file of the Renaissance Dam
                                                                                  Author details
                            Caroline Sherif, Adham Nasr El-Din,Mariam Ahmed

           One of the most prestigious graduates of the Faculty    were  from  either  the  faculty  of  medicine  or
           of Economics and Political Science that the faculty is  engineering,  and  this  was  widespread  for  having
           proud  of  his  knowledge,  with  a  Ph.D.  in     high  grades.But  he  couldn't  stay  at  the  faculty  of
           International  Relations,  Vice  President  of  Opinion  medicine  for  more  than  two  weeks  since  it  didn't
           Pages  at  Al-Ahram  newspaper,  an  expert  in    fulfill  his  desires,  so  he  left  and  went  to  Cairo
           international relations at Al-Ahram newspaper, and a  University's  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political
           specialist  in  American  affairs  at  Al-Ahram  Center  science.  Despite  his  parents'  opposition,  he  chose
           for  Political  and  Strategic  Studies,  where  he  has  this  path  since  he  is  passionate  about  this  college
           many influential articles, as well as being hosted by  and cannot imagine being anyplace else. He stated
           many  of  the  most  acclaimed  Egyptian  and  non-  that  when  he  first  came  to  the  faculty,  the
           Egyptian T.V channels and his journeys to more than  Department  of  Political  Science  and  its  teaching
           40 country. Elite Team is honored to interview Dr.  methods astonished him and that the faculty, in all
           Ahmed Al-Sayed Ahmed and introduce his words to    of  its  departments,  graduates  a  person  capable  of
           our  faculty  as  well  as  his  perspectives  on  current  analyzing,  linking,  interpreting,  and  creating  a
           political events.                                  holistic  vision  of  events  based  on  science,
           To  begin  the  conversation,  We  asked  how  the  knowledge,  and  logic.  The  faculty  of  Economics
           doctor  became  associated  with  the  Faculty  of  and Political Science as a whole brings up different
           Economics  and  Political  Science  and  why  he   insights and a world that encompasses all subjects.
           joined it.                                         He believes that his passion for the Department of
           The doctor expressed his delight at being a part of  Political Science stems from the fact that it covers
           such a prominent faculty. He told us about how he  many disciplines and is not limited to a single field
           came to join this faculty because he first graduated  of study, making research and study in it exciting.
           from  high  school  with  a  high  grade  in  the  science  Then  we  moved  on  to  another  question  which
           section, and it was because of this high grade that he  was  why  did  you  choose  the  political  science
           decided  to  join  the  Faculty  of  Medicine  at  Al-  department, and how has this major contributed
           Mansoura  University  based  on  his  family  and  to the formation of your personality?
           relatives advice and background, as most of them   Dr. Ahmed stated that his decision to enter the

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