Page 10 - Issue 41
P. 10

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

                                                               Additionally, we asked the students about the reasons for the
                                                              migration of Egyptians in particular and as to why they prefer
                                                              to work abroad and refrain from working with their homeland.
                                                              Again,  most  of  them  reached  a  similar  conclusion,  pointing
                                                              out the poor working conditions, widespread discrimination,
                                                              low  minimum  wages,  weak  capabilities  and  resources,
                                                              increased  unemployment,  poor  economic,  social,  and
                                                              educational conditions, in addition to political instability. It is
                                                              also related, the students contended, to improving the quality
                                                              of  life  for  individuals,  such  as  education,  services,  growth,
                                                              and career development, as they are tempted by the goal of
                                                              obtaining  a  job  consistent  with  their  scientific  and  practical
           Then,  we  continued  with  asking  the  students  about  the
           consequences of this phenomenon on society and the nature of  As  for  our  penultimate  question,  it  revolved  around  asking
           its  pros  and  cons.  A  consensus  was  found  concerning  the  whether  they  themselves,  as  young  individuals,  hope  to
           negative  consequences  of  brain  drain.  They  can  be  migrate  and  work  or  complete  their  studies  abroad  and  the
           summarized in the following points:                reasons for that desire should it exist. The interviewees replied
              Increasing  the  gap  between  developed  and  developing  that they have always dreamt about doing so, as they see that
              countries.                                      the countries that attract labor – the countries of Europe, for
              Impeding  intellectual  development  and  increasing  the  example  –  provide  better  job  opportunities  with  higher
              burden of productivity on the remaining youth force.   salaries,  a  higher  ceiling  for  intellectual  freedom,  a  better
              The cultural “subordination” of those who migrate to the  quality  of  life  and  a  higher  educational  and  cultural  level.
              culture of the countries to which they immigrate and the  They  will  not  face  the  challenges  imposed  in  developing
              abandonment  of  their  customs  and  traditions  of  origin,  countries  on  all  young  adults  at  the  beginning  of  their
              thus negatively affecting their identities.     professional and family life. Their point of view was that they
              The  loss  in  the  origin  country’s  productive  force  would  enjoy  stability  away  from  the  accumulated  conflicts
              negatively  affects  the  economy  as  it  loses  a  number  of  here.
              qualified experts and highly trained workers that in turn
              leads to the high cost of attracting foreign competencies
              that should fill the shortage in the country.
              The  emergence  of  some  social  problems  related  to  the
              family, such as fathers leaving their children and creating
              what some described as a “broken family.”
           Regarding the positive consequences, not many were found,
           but  overall  they  revolved  around  the  economy.  With  an
           increase  in  the  money  transferred  by  individuals  through
           remittances, which contributes to the development process and
           improves the standard of living of these families, the country’s
           gross  domestic  product  increases  also  as  a  result;  this
           eventually leads to an increase in the income of the rest of the
           workforce.  Additionally,  a  number  of  students  added  that
           migration  reduces  the  unemployment  rate.  Aside  from
           economics,  only  the  cultural  and  intellectual  exchange
           between  the  two  countries  was  deemed  as  a  benefit  by  the
                                                              Moving on to the last question, we inquired about an effective
                                                              way  to  limit  and  deter  this  phenomenon.    Again,  majority
                                                              agreed,  this  time  on  the  necessity  of  granting  hard-working
                                                              individuals  like  themselves  some  privileges  such  as  those
                                                              obtained abroad. For instance, caring for their scientific and
                                                              practical  qualifications,  providing  them  with  the  necessary
                                                              support, providing job opportunities appropriate to their skills,
                                                              achieving  the  principle  of  gender  equality,  and  spreading
                                                              sufficient  media  awareness  of  the  possible  dangers  of
                                                              migration at all economic, social and cultural levels.
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