Page 11 - Issue 41
P. 11
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022
Arabs were part of Egypt
before Islam
Mohamed Elsawy, 3rd Level, Econmics
After the earth settled, praise be to God, and the offspring of Add to what we have presented that the Sinai was an open
Adam the Prophet, peace be upon him, ran in it in the east and bridge for immigration from a long time ago, and several
west, like blood ran in its veins. So when God sent Noah to the Arab tribes flowed through it in order to settle in Egypt,
worshiper of Wed, Sawa, and Y-ouq and Nassra, the sons of among them the migration of Kahlani tribes at the beginning
Adam, and the sign of piety, when they died, people drew and of Christianity from the Arabs of the south of Qahtani
origin, and they settled in the north-east, and the migration
exemplified them, and they were the first idols that were of tribes from “Tayyi” They are the Kahlani branch, the
worshiped by the men. And he refused to obey Noah except most important of whom are the Lakhm and Judham tribes,
for a few, so God commanded him to manufacture a ship and which settled in the Sharqiya region, and another tribe
taught him how to do it, even when he finished it and charged called “Bali” entered Egypt before the Islamic conquest, and
it with people and animals. Waves along the mountains, then settled between Al-Qusayr and Qena, and worked in the
flattened by the order of their path on the Judi near Mosul, so transfer of Indian trade, and the emigration of the groups of
that a new offspring would flow in the earth, connected to the Khada’a, who are a branch of the Azd who went out in the
old in blood and cut off from it in belief. pre-Islamic era, a group to Egypt And another to the Levant
And in the Almighty’s saying: (And We made his offspring in search of a resource and water.
And on the mention of those who inhabited the Northeast;
the rest) [Surat As-Saffat 77] Explaining that the new In her struggle with her brother and ally Octavius in the
offspring that swept the earth after the Flood were all from naval battle of Actium 31 BC, Cleopatra had the help of
Noah, peace be upon him, and all people perished, unbelievers Malik bin Ubadah, the chief Nabataeans of Pelusium, an
and believers. The prophet Mohamed, peace be upon him, ancient Arab kingdom that was established in the deserts of
said: “Sam Abu al-Arab, Ham Abu al-Habash, and Yafith Abu Jordan, Sinai, the Negev and the northern Arabian
al-Rum. Peninsula.In the era of the Ptolemies, Greek historians,
And it came in the history of Ibn Khaldun: And know that the including Strabo (66 BC) and Willenius (70 BC), indicated
generation of Arabs after the Flood and the era of Noah, peace that the number of Arabs in their era had doubled on the
western shore of the Red Sea until they occupied all the area
be upon him, was in the first Aad, Thamud, the Amalekites, between it and the Nile River, and the city of Koptos was
Tasm, Jadis, Umaym, Jurhum, Hadramout, and those who half of its population. Arabs and ruled by Arabs
belong to them from among the Arabs from the sons of Sam bin All tribes in the east and west of the earth became
Noah, and from the factions that we mentioned the Ammaleqa acquainted when they moved and traveled in search of
or the Amalekites, and to them belong the Canaanites Those resource and water, and they became homogeneous and
whose lineage goes back to Amalek bin Laudh bin Sam bin their relations strengthened due to trade and caravans; Gaza
Noah, and Ludh bin Sam married Shabakah, daughter of was a commercial port and a meeting place for merchants
Japheth, and she bore a Persia, Gorgan, and the races of Persia, selling what they had of the crops of Yemen and the south
of the Arabian Peninsula, and buying what they needed
and Lud’s son was born with the Persians, Tasm and Amiq, and from what came to Gaza from the crops of Greece, Italy,
it is not known if they were from the same mother. The children Egypt and others.
of Canaan settled in the East, Amman, the Hijaz and the Levant, Before the Islamic conquest of Egypt, its conqueror, Amr
and among them were Nimrod and Goliath. As in the first Ibn Al-Aas, may God be pleased with him, visited it and
centuries, the tribes began to move after the drought in search passed through the Delta to Alexandria for the purpose of
of resource and water. The Canaanites migrated from the trade, and that his experience in the Egyptian countries
Arabian Peninsula towards the Levant, and some of them to facilitated the conquest. During the era of Caliph Omar Ibn
Sinai; So among them were the tyrants in the Levant who are Al-Khattab, my god be pleased with him, and after the
called Canaan, and among them were the Pharaohs in Egypt, conquest of the levant, some tribes from Chassan, Lakham,
Lezam and Amilah immigrated, They were Christian, to
and that migration was in the fourth millennium before the birth Egypt, and they settled in northwest Sinai. The Roman
of Christ, peace be upon him, and that is the sublime wave that emperor granted them the fiefdom of Tennis, one of the
was known as the Amorite - Canaanite. eastern cities.