Page 16 - Issue 41
P. 16

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

                                    Egyptians & Black sarcasm

                                                                 Noor Khaled - Level 2 - Economics


              Egypt is famous for many interesting things     to find certain situations and pranks hilarious.
           like  its  historical  significance,  its  gorgeous  And throughout this phase, we learn the hard
           coasts, and its welcoming people. And among        way what we can and can’t joke about. When

           all of these beautiful attributes, Egypt earned    we’re young, we quickly learn that we can’t
           a  reputation  for  being  humor  central  in  the  poke  fun  at  disadvantaged  people,  we  can’t
           Arab  world.  From  the  way  we  speak  to  our   use racial slurs to joke around, and we can’t
           comedic cinema, we’re known and adored for         laugh  at  things  that  may  hurt  others.  For
           being  fun-loving  people;  we’re  always          adults,  this  is  unarguable  -  except  for  some

           laughing about something be it a funny joke          who  would  call  people    kill-joys  for  not
           or  even  our  misfortunes.  Even  though          laughing  at  their  offensive  jokes.  Does  this
           laughter  is  generally  good  for  both  our      mean,  however,  that  we  should  only  jest

           physical and mental health, this is not always     about  what’s  pure  and  wholesome?  Not
           the  case.  Humor,  unlike  the  universe,  isn’t  necessarily. Dark humor and self-deprecating
           without limits. The wrong type of humor or         jokes can be great, if done properly.
           satire can have adverse effects on our health.        Dark humor is a comedic style that makes
           In this essay, we will explore the acceptance      light  of  topics  that  are  considered  taboo  or

           of  humor  by  differentiating  between  dark      morbid.  Think  jokes  about  death,  murder,
           humor and humor that is outright tasteless.        tragedies. Jokes like these push the limits of
               A joke can land perfectly or poorly, and       what  we  consider  funny  and  disturbing

           that depends on many aspects such as context,      simultaneously. Some may ask, “How would
           the  essence  of  the  joke,  and  the  audience   that  not  be  offensive?”  and  “When  do  we
           themselves.  Children,  for  instance,  find       cross the line?” As always, the probability of
           certain words and sounds funny, which is as        the audience receiving the joke well depends
           innocent as humor gets. We slowly grow up          on many factors, but there are a few general

           and begin
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