Page 17 - Issue 41
P. 17

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

           rules to help us differentiate between a poor      of  this  funny.  To  them,  this  is  a  real  and
           joke, and dark satire or humor. According to       terrifying situation.
           the  “benign  violation”  theory  (which  was
           developed back in 2008 by Peter McGraw, a

           behavioral  scientist  at  the  University  of
           Colorado)  dark  jokes  can  be  amusing
           depending  on  the  psychological  distance,

           Time  distance,  physical  distance,  and  social
           distance. All are factors that affect the hilarity
           of  a  joke;  they  make  the  situation  seem
           benign.  To  demonstrate  the  concept  of
           psychological distance, let’s discuss a couple

           of examples. When news of spousal killings                                           u/Delicious-Whole-6391
           were  trending  in  Egypt  a  few  months  ago,    We  all  must  have  heard  of  the  Ismailia
           social platforms were seemingly flooded with       wedding  incident  that  occurred  almost  a

           both actual news of such incidents and jokes       couple of weeks ago. People would consider
           making light of these tragedies. The closer we     joking  about  this  topic  as  it  happened
           are socially to incidents like that, the more we   abhorrent,  but  after  a  week  the  jokes  are
           find jokes about the topic distasteful.            somehow easier to digest. By the same token,

                                                              a  bride  in  the  same  situation  would,  quite
                                                              frankly, be disgusted at such jokes.

                                                              Humor  and  satire  are  great,  but  they  have
                                                              their  boundaries.  Bad  jokes  can  perpetuate
                                                              and reinforce wrong stereotypes. Jokes about

                                                              hating one’s spouse, mocking a different race,
                                                              or a disadvantaged group of people can hurt
                                                              real  people,  and  not  just  emotionally.  It’s  a

                                                              running  joke  in  Egypt  that  women  “can’t
                                                              drive”  (which  I  find  silly  seeing  that  it’s
                                                              always the men that drive like it’s the end of
                                                              the  world),  and  while  this  may  be  funny  to
           Physical distance also matters. Online, people     some, it puts women down and makes them

           have  been  using  satire  and  making  memes      hesitant  to  learn  a  skill  that  may  help  them.
           about  Russia’s  invasion  of  Ukraine.  People    By  the  same  token,  morbid  humor  can  turn
           who  are  at  a  safe  distance  from  this  might  offensive if it is delivered at the wrong time,

           laugh  about  it,  but  people  living  in  Ukraine  to  the  wrong  group  of  people,  or  if  it  is
           and neighboring countries might not find any       simply insensitive.
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