Page 22 - Issue 41
P. 22

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

                                                              Pandora  was  very  surprised  and  curious  and  asked
                                                              Hermes: "what is it? Why shouldn’t I open it? " Hermes
                                                              raised his shoulders and on the face of a malicious smile
                                                              and he told her that he knows nothing, then, he sighed and
                                                              walked.  Pandora  kept  looking  at  the  jar,  with  great
                                                              astonishment,  and  she  did  not  understand,  so  if  a  gift  is
                                                              sent to her, why not open it? Pandora tried very hard to
                                                              abide by Zeus' orders not to open the jar until her curiosity
                                                              made  her  open  it...  Suddenly  there  were  faint,  terrifying
                                                              sounds  and  a  horrible  smell,  and  it  took  a  few  seconds
                                                              until Pandora realized what had come out of the jar and
                                                              quickly closed it again.
          As for human punishment, it was of a different kind. Zeus
          summoned the god of fire and the blacksmith Hephaestus
          and commanded him to create a creature from sand and
          water that looks exactly like a human but it has to be much
          prettier.  Hephaestus  created  this  creature  in  the  same
          shape  as  the  goddess  of  beauty  and  love.  When
          Hephaestus presented the new creature to the gods, they
          were astonished by it, and Zeus called each one of them to
          give  her  a  gift.  Aphrodite  gave  her  beauty  and  desire,
          Athena  gave  her  wit  and  sleight  of  hand  (meaning  her
          ability  to  weave,  not  steal),  Hermes  gave  her  sweet-
          speaking,  Apollo  gifted  her  tenderness  and  sweet  voice,
          Zeus gifted nature playfulness, and finally, Hera gifted her
          After  they  bestowed  upon  her  all  these  gifts,  the  gods
          named this beautiful creature “Pandora” meaning the one
          who gives gifts.

                                                             Out of her curiosity, Pandora released death, hate, violence,
                                                             deceit,  disease,  and  all  the  evils  that  exist  on  earth  until
                                                             now, and unfortunately, when she came to close the jar, she
                                                             locked it on the only sweet need that was locked up with
                                                             them: hope.
                                                              Thus, Zeus remains destined to grieve all human beings
                                                             forever, as he did with Prometheus.
                                                             The truth is that Zeus' punishment for humans is smarter
                                                             than it seems.
                                                              As we said, Zeus was very simply capable of spreading
                                                             evils on the earth himself, but he preferred to send a more
                                                             beautiful  and  attractive  human  version  that  would  be  the
                                                             reason  for  unleashing  these  evils  in  order  to  ignite  the
          Zeus took Pandora from her hand and lowered her to the  conflict between the two versions or the two types: male
          earth, presenting her as a wife to Epimetheus, the brother
          of Prometheus. Despite his brother's earlier warnings not  and female. Therefore, instead of the person blaming Zeus
                                                             for the unjust punishment that has no sin in him, he blames
          to accept gifts from the gods, Epimetheus was blinded by
          the prettiness of Pandora and agreed to marry her. On their  Pandora.. and thus Zeus punished the human being without
                                                             losing his loyalty because he played the role of the good
          wedding day, Zeus sent Hermes with a very strange gift.
          Hermes went to Pandora with a closed jar in his hand and  person  in  the  story  who  warned  Pandora  not  to  open  the
                                                             box  despite  making  sure  that  she  would  open  it  out  of
          said  to  her:  "Congratulations,  bride!  Zeus  is  giving  you
          this sweet gift and he tells you to never open it."   curiosity she is made of.
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