Page 24 - Issue 41
P. 24

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

           civil  war.  In  Sudan,  the  roots  of  this
           problem,  in  turn,  go  back  to  the  fact

           that  southern  Sudan  circulates  with
           many  races,  languages,  religions  and

           cultures,  where  there  are  some  races
           such as the Niles and the Hamites.

                 British  colonialism  divided  Sudan

           into  two  parts  and  dealt  with  each  of
           them separately, as the British colonial

           policy  in  the  north  allowed  the
           development  of  a  central  national

           identity centered on the Ansar and the
           Khatmiyya,  while  in  the  south  it  gave

           rise  to  a  policy  of  indirect  rule  in  an
           effort  to  encourage  southern  tribal

           customs,  customs  and  beliefs  and  the
           prohibition  of  the  Arabic  language

           Allowing  missionary  missions  to
           operate  in  the  south  and  the  British

           colonialism’s  keenness  to  implement Hence, the external role in settling civil
           this  policy  in  the  south  simply  so  that wars  is  considered  a  very  pivotal  role,

           the  attention  of  the  northerners  or  the and          some      studies     indicate     that

           Egyptians  participating  in  the  rule  of comparative analysis of the experience
           Sudan  would  not  be  drawn.  Since  the of African civil wars confirms that the

           mid-nineties,  the  problem  of  southern only  type  of  external  intervention  that
           Sudan  began  to  escalate  due  to  the helps  end  civil  wars  is  the  type

           southerners' rejection of the policies of supported  by  explicit  promises  to  use
           the  various  northern  governments, force,  while  sending  observers  or

           which expanded the implementation of Unarmed peacekeepers will not have a
           the      policies      of      Sudanization, strong  positive  influence  either  in

           Arabization and Islamization within the negotiations or in the implementation of
           framework  of  the  nation-building treaties  and  may  themselves  be  at  risk

           process, which led to the emergence of in case of conflict in a country. It will
           a  strong  opposition  movement  in  the be  difficult  to  reach  a  strong

           south.                                             commitment to enforce the settlement.

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