Page 25 - Issue 41
P. 25
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022
Emergency Senior Year!
Islam Mohamed Abdul-Ghani Mohamed - Level 4 - Political Science
The graduation year is a life stage that every student must soon enough, he finds that the job requires him to have work
pass through in order to move from university life to experience, which causes him to feel depressed, which may
professional life, in order to be a citizen who does his job, also occur when he talks with some of his older fellow
whatever it is with the aim of serving the community graduates who may emit negative energy.
instead of being a student who has to study his courses and From the above, we can visualize the feelings of the students of
study well in order to succeed in the exam. the senior year, which are a mix between joy and optimism
In that year, a lot of contradictory feelings appear, which towards the future and high aspirations, and between anxiety,
confuse the student and affect his decisions. Despite the fact sadness and depression, which makes the graduation year an
that he feels joy and happiness because he sees that his emergency year that puzzles the student and makes him feel
efforts in all previous years of education and diligence will bewildered. Is he happy to finish his studies or sad for no
result in a graduate who plays a role in practical reality. Not longer being able to meet his friends and for bearing more
only that, but also because he will not be obligated to study responsibility and the obstacles of practical reality.
again and will not feel afraid of the exam, and that he will In the end, young people and students who are about to
finally be able to achieve all his dreams and ambitions. graduate must be considered and supported because they are
But despite all these feelings of joy that he feels, there are the backbone of society. They are the ones who will bear
other feelings that arise in him, which is his feeling of raising the flag of society and its development. That is why, it
sadness and anxiety. In that year, he quickly remembers is necessary to pay more attention to their feelings, so that they
how his years of life passed quickly and how he moved to are psychologically balanced and able to make their decisions
be a graduate who must work in order to achieve his efficiently without any mistakes. This can be done by providing
position and benefit the community and work on its training courses for senior students to prepare them for their
progress. He starts to wonder if the most beautiful years of potential jobs. Moreover, the training should be held in the
his life have passed, as some say, and he regrets not taking same working conditions so that the student is aware of all the
advantage of the above. He is worried and fearful about the details of his profession so that his high aspirations do not clash
future. Will he have the job related to the academic field in with reality and to generate the required experience for him
which he has been studying, or will he not find the job that later. Also, there should be a mean for communication between
will satisfy his ambition and think about that case? Either he the graduates and the senior students, so that they know that
will change his professional field and work in a completely there is a large percentage of students who work and have
different field, or he will work in a temporary job until he positive experiences that send messages of reassurance to
finds what suits his professional field. others. The students themselves should try to strengthen their
The student’s confusion does not stop, which arouses his relationship with their friends so that they do not feel sad about
thinking, especially as he approaches graduation, and their separation and do not feel the gap between the scientific
therefore you find him applying for more than one job, but and practical reality, Finally, everyone should know that the
road is not paved with roses, and there is no road also full of
thorns, but that man has nothing but what he strives for.