Page 23 - Issue 41
P. 23

ELITE                  Vol.1, Issue 41, March 2022

                                                    On Civil War

                                                                 Yara Bahaa - Economics

              The phenomenon of civil war on the               There  is  a  consensus  that  the

           African  continent  is  a  fertile  field  of       phenomenon  of  civil  war  is  mainly
           study and analysis, especially since this           related to  ethnic  divisions  or  ideology

           phenomenon became widespread on the                 in  a  single  society,  but  the  political
           African  continent  in  the  1990s,  which          literature  differed  greatly  in  its

           led to the expansion of interest in it in           interpretation  of  the  transformation
           the international arena. Likewise, when             process  according  to  which  ethnic

           the intensity and intensity of the armed            divisions  in  the  context  of  peaceful
           conflict increased in every case of civil           conflict  move  to  the  stage  of  a  large-

           wars  witnessed  by  the  international             scale armed explosion. One of the most
           environment.  Hence,  the  experience  of           important forms of civil wars in Africa

           civil wars in Africa indicates that armed           is The civil war in Sudan.
           force  alone  cannot  end  the  civil  war              The  civil  war  in  Sudan  is

           even  if  one  of  the  parties  managed  to        characterized  by  multiple  dimensions

           achieve  a  sweeping  victory  over  the            and levels. On the one hand, it is a civil
           other  or  The  other  parties  to  the  war        war between the north and the south, in

           always must end the civil war through a             which the south seeks independence or
           political  settlement  acceptable  to  all          autonomy.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  a

           parties,  whether  this  settlement  came           war between political currents or forces
           after the conflict was resolved militarily          in  the  north  itself.  The  problem  of

           or  in  the  absence  of  a  military               southern  Sudan  is  the  main  and  most
           resolution.                                         pressing cause of the

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