Page 34 - Issue-36
P. 34

Three years of passion...
              ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...

       The Republican Party and the Elephant:    It is common that Republicans give great
           The elephant appeared for the first time importance  to  the  Republican  Elephant  and

       as a symbol for the Republican Party in an take great care to paint it and mark its huge
       advertisement for the Republican candidate features in the party billboards.

       (Abraham Lincoln) in the 1860 elections,
       but the elephant did not turn into a political     The "donkey" and the "elephant" are still a

       slogan for the Republican Party until 1870 very  strange  thing  of  American  political
       when      (Thomas        Nast)     published       a symbols  that  may  raise  questions  at  times  .

       caricature  in  Harper’s  magazine  again,  in The  conflict  remains  so  far  between  the
       which  he  appeared  to  complain  From  the Republican  Party  and  the  Democratic  Party

       Republican  Party’s  departure  from  its over obtaining a majority in Parliament and
       liberal values, and a symbol of the party by winning  the  presidential  seat,  which  is  now

       drawing  a  huge,  terrified  elephant  that governed  by  the  Democratic  President  Joe
       destroys everything it can set foot on with a Biden, who won the 2020 elections .

       phrase “The Republican Voice” written on

       its  body,  and  from  that  time  the  elephant
       has  become  the  symbol  of  the  Republican

           The  reasons  for  choosing  the  elephant

       over other animals are still not clear, but the
       most likely opinion about this choice is that

       ,choosing      the     elephant      shows      the
       abundance of money in the Republicans in

       addition to their electoral vote that take part
       in balancing the process of voting .

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        34
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