Page 35 - Issue-36
P. 35

ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...
                                                                              Three years of passion...

                                       THE COUP IN GUINEA AND ITS

                                REPERCUSSIONS INTERNATIONALLY

                                Mariam Elsafty, Sophomore, political science
                                Mariam Elsafty, Sophomore, political science
             “Even  you,  Brutus”...  Julius  Caesar's  famous       Late last year, reports emerged of conflicts
             sentence, known for its historical context, and how     within  the  presidential  palace  between
             he said it when he was stabbed by his closest friend,   Mamadi  and  Conde,  with  Mamadi
             and  then  he  died.  This  scene  is  recalled  when  we  requesting an increase in the strength and
             follow  the  coup  d'état  in  Guinea.  Coup  leader    influence  of  his  battalion,  which  Conde
             Mamadi  Doumbia  is  a  close  friend  of  President    categorically  rejected.  The  man,  who
             Alpha  Conde,  commander  of  the  Special  Forces      trusted that he would protect him forever,
             founded  by  Conde,  the  same  commander  who          betrayed him with a group of his elements,
             stormed the President's palace and arrested him and     breaking into the palace on September 5th
             then  appeared  in  a  statement  announcing  the       in broad daylight to arrest President Conde
             suspension  of  the  constitution  and  the  closure  of  and lead him to an unknown front. I am not
             state  institutions,  declaring  his  control  of  the  very concerned about this context because
             country.  Who  is  the  leader  of  the  rapid  coup,   it  is  repeated  throughout  history,  but  the
             Mamadi  Doumbia?  He  is  a  colonel  carrying  the     most  important  thing  is  the  impact  of  the
             French  nationality  and  is  actually  married  to  a  coup  and  its  repercussions  within  Guinea
             French citizen as well. He has served in the French     and its regional surroundings,
             army  for  more  than  fifteen  years  and  has
             participated  in  military  operations  in  several

             countries,  including  Afghanistan,  Djibouti  and  the
             Central  African  Republic.  During  those  years,  he
             underwent  numerous  trainings  in  France  and
             underwent  a  training  course  in  Israel  as  part  of  a
             group  of  elite  fighters,  which  he  highlighted  in
             Guinea.  In  2012,  Conde  summoned  him  to  the
             country,  and  some  sources  explained  that  it  was
             Conde  who  made  Mamadi  do  all  these  exercises
             because he was meant to be the commander of the
             Special Forces.

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        35
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