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Three years of passion...
              ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...

         its  international  impact  and  the  time  frame  in   In response to the Guinean coup, the Economic
         which  it  takes  place.  Political  changes  inevitably  Community    of    West    African    States
         have  economic  repercussions,  particularly  in  a     (ECOWAS) called on guinea's military council
         country  like  Guinea,  which  has  the  natural        to immediately release President Alpha Conde
         resources and resources on which large industries       and  waved  sanctions.  The  group  called  for  a
         manufactured by China and Russia the "soon great        quick  return  to  constitutional  order.  A

         powers",  in  addition  to  the  United  States  of     statement  issued  by  Ghana's  President  Nana
         America.  A  coup  in  Guinea  could  lead  to  major   Akufo-Addo,     the   current   president   of
         geopolitical  strikes.  Guinea  has  vast  bauxite      ECOWAS, condemned what it described as a

         resources.  It  is  estimated  that  one  fifth  of  global  "coup  attempt"  and  demanded  the  immediate
         aluminum production depends on Guinean bauxite,         release  of  Conde,  who  is  being  held  by
         which  is  very  important  for  Russia's  aluminum     soldiers.  The  Ministry  of  the  U.S.  State
         industry.  But  the  bigger  question  here  is  about  Department  said  in  a  statement  that  violence
         China's interests. The Chinese bought a large part      and  any  actions  outside  the  Constitution  will
         of guinea's bauxite mines, which account for 55%        only  diminish  Guinea's  chances  of  peace,
         of  all  Chinese  bauxite  imports.  China  is  not     stability  and  prosperity.  "The  United  States
         interested  in  bauxite  alone,  as  Beijing  has  high  condemns  today's  events  in  Conakry,"  the
         hopes for Simanda, a huge iron ore mine that will       statement said. "These actions could limit the
         help  China  reduce  its  dependence  on  iron  ore     ability of the United States and Guinea's other
         imports  from  Brazil  and  Australia.  Australia,  on  international partners to support the country as

         the  other  hand,  is  excited  to  take  first  place  as  a  they  move  towards  national  unity  and  a
         bauxite supplier and closely monitor the Guinean        brighter  future  for  the  Guinean  people,"  he
         crisis.  Currently,  Russia  fears  the  coup  and  its  said. Egypt, an active member of the African
         negative  impact  on  it.  According  to  experts,  the  Union, called on all parties in Guinea to show
         Russian  company  has  been  in  Guinea  for  a  long   restraint  and  commitment  to  peaceful  means.
         time  and  has  not  experienced  any  coups            Egypt is following "very closely and with great
         throughout  its  time  there.  The  Russian  Foreign    interest the rapid developments taking place in
         Ministry  said  on  Sept.  6  that  Moscow  strongly    the  Republic  of  Guinea  and  the  dangerous
         rejects any attempt to change power in Guinea in        turning  point  of  the  current  crisis  in  the
         an unconstitutional manner.                             country," the Egyptian foreign ministry said in
                                                                 a  statement.  "All  Guinean  parties  call  for
                                                                 restraint,  commitment  to  peaceful  means  and
                                                                 dialogue  to  resolve  the  crisis  and  bring  the
                                                                 country  to  safety,”.    As  for  Guinea's  near
                                                                 future, I believe that the coup d'état will affect
                                                                 the home front more than externally, because
                                                                 of  the  Corona  pandemic,  which  negatively

                                                                 affected  the  great  powers,  and  which  will
                                                                 never  accept  any  disruption  affecting  the
                                                                 production of those countries.

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        36
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