Page 38 - Issue-36
P. 38

Three years of passion...
              ELITE                                                            Three years of passion...

         that flows in a soul, and the soul is only from       obligated to or demand what is not his right.

         the command of God..!                                 Despite what we have presented, when God
         And when God created Adam, peace be upon              legislated the marriage of its owner with (so

         him, and infused him with spirit and life, and        that  you  may  find  peace  in  her)  and  (We
         placed  him  in  Paradise;  So  he  felt  a           have  placed  between  you  affection  and
         loneliness  in  himself  that  could  not  be         mercy),  then  the  rights  and  duties  are  not

         comforted by bliss, or a lump in his chest that       complied with except implicitly, and many
         could  not  be  irrigated  by  water,  so  God        of them agree between people; The law of

         created  Eve  from  his  rib,  and  when  he  saw     married life is not like the law of the street;
         her, he recognized her and she knew him as if         Neither one of them says to the other: This

         a covenant had passed between them and he             is my right or this is not my duty, but they
         leaned toward her like the longing of matter          are a friend and a friend, both inspecting the

         to its origin, The residence of the house and         heart  of  the  other,  acknowledging  his
         the serenity of the soul, and when He brought         decision  and  perturbed  by  his  turmoil;  Do
         them down from Paradise, the land of Adam             not  let  one  of  them  in  the  same  the  other

         was not the land of Eve. Adam did not pray            need only made it.
         to God to return him to Paradise, but he went         Glory be to God, who has placed affection

         roaming the earth in search of Eve.                   and  mercy  between  the  spouses,  and  He
         And  when  God  legislated  marriage,  he  did        knows that if married life were with rights

         not leave it to the meanings of whims or to           and duties only to deceive people, they fell
         the thinness of people’s rulings; Rather, it is       short and exceeded, and no one forgives or

         the strongest of its pillars and the firmest of       pardons  anyone,  and  people  punish  each
         its covenant; He made for both spouses rights         other.
         that  they  do  not  transgress  and  duties  that    We  saw  on  the  faces  of  the  people

         they  do  not  fall  short  of,  as  the  concept  of  something of gloom and pallor; Many men
         shepherd  and  subjects  is  inseparable  from        do  not  love  their  wives  and  do  not  treat

         marital life.                                         them  well,  and  their  wives  do  not  feel
         And the husband’s responsibility with regard          secure under their wings, and the shoulder

         to  maintenance  and  guardianship  and  its          touches  the  shoulder  and  between  the  two
         attributes,  and  the  wife’s  obedience  to  her     hearts is a long way between the two hearts,

         husband  is  her  heaven  and  her  fire,  as  the    and  their  roofed  houses  are  closer  to  the
         Prophet, peace be upon him, said, and if we           open, and the yield that cramps in the chest
         singled  out  both  of  them,  we  would  need  a     is not narrated and the evil that sends in the

         book or two! And here is not an explanation           soul  is  not  suppressed,  and  that  apathy,
         of  the  jurisprudence  of  marriage,  but  an        repulsion  and  turning  away  Kinds  of

         invitation  to  understand  it,  so  the  husband     stinginess  and  bad  behavior,  and  calmness
         does  not  order  his  wife   what   she   is  not    is replaced by anxiety.

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        38
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