Page 39 - Issue-36
P. 39

Three years of passion...
              ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...

                                                Door of Hope
                                                Door of Hope

                          Bilal Gamal - Fourth Level - Political science
                          Bilal Gamal - Fourth Level - Political science
          The first thing that comes to your mind when      The  question  that  arises  here,  how  can  we
          you  hear  the  word  “champion”  is  your        address this view that may lead to the relapse

          imagining of a person who excelled in a sport     of the recovered again?
          and was able to obtain the title of champion or   In fact, we can counter this view by supporting
          a person who sacrificed himself to save others    the  integration  of  our  recovering  heroes  into
          and  became  called  a  hero.  Indeed,  this  is  the  society so that they can return to their normal
          meaning  of  the  word  hero,  but  here  we  are  lives through several things:
          talking  about  another  type.  From  the  heroes,  First:  Strengthening  psychological  and  moral

          we are talking about people with iron will who    support    for   the    recovering:   In    fact,
          were  able  to  overcome  their  evil  selves  and  psychological and moral support is one of the
          were  able  to  get  rid  of  an  epidemic  that  was  most important ways to prevent the relapse of
          eating into their minds and almost ruining their  the recovered again, as it is said, “Words are
          lives, so we are talking here about “our heroes   able  to  make  another  human  being  who  does
          recovering from drug addiction.”                  not  look  like  the  one  before  him.”  If  these
          Indeed, people recovering from drug addiction     words  carry  encouragement,  support  and

          deserve  to  be  called  heroes,  and  they  also  positivity for the recovering person,
          deserve moral and psychological support from
          society  as  a  whole,  but  sometimes  we  find  a
          negative  view  mixed  with  rejection  towards
          these heroes, and the unfortunate thing is that

          this  view  may  lead  to  the  relapse  of  these
          heroes  again,  And  their  return  to  drug
          addiction, due to the consequences of this view
          of  spreading  despair  and  frustration  in  the
          hearts of the recovering, after they were able to
          get rid of this cursed epidemic.

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        39
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