Page 29 - Issue-36
P. 29
Three years of passion...
ELITE Three years of passion...
values and ideas prevailing in this society. citizen in all of this? And how can he be
It is not possible to imagine a society effective in a concept that seems large and
without law or without human rights, complex and is specific to politicians only,
otherwise it is a jungle and not a society. such as human rights? The answer is that
As for human rights organizations, it must the ordinary citizen already plays a role in
be taken into account that failure to human rights on a daily basis, even if he is
eliminate problems related to human rights not aware of it! This is manifested in
does not necessarily mean that they do not actions such as: giving charity to the needy,
play any role. The truth is that human donating clothes and various things,
rights organizations have provided a lot in helping someone to find a job, watering an
the issues of refugees, women and animal, looking after street animals,
prisoners, for example, but this may not be defending someone who is being bullied
apparent to those who are not interested in for any reason, volunteering in a charitable
these areas. organization, feeding,..etc. All of these
It is known that some human rights actions are either we do one of them, or we
organizations are affected by the political meet a person, or we hear about someone
orientations of their state funders, but this who did one of them on social media or
means that we accept their policies after television almost every day, and all of
research and awareness and that we them, without
criticize them or activate our roles as
individuals and societies that have a
different point of view, not that we reject
and completely avoid human rights
And the most important question in this
regard: What is the role of the ordinary
Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021 28