Page 25 - Issue-36
P. 25

Three years of passion...
              ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...

          And the work of SAVAK was not limited                whose  number  ranged  Between  5000  and
          to  internal  repression  only,  but  its  roots     6000 people approximately, and Khomeini

          extended  abroad,  so  we  find  it  supportive      later replaced SAVAK with another device
          of  the  Kurdish  separatist  movements  in          called  "Savama",  which  means  the
          Iraq.  Rather,  it  played  the  role  of  a  loyal  Ministry  of  Intelligence  and  National

          dog  to  its  owner  when  he  arranged  a           Security  in  Iran,  and  there  is  a  museum
          meeting  in  which  Kurdish  separatists  met        now  in  Iran  called  "Ibrat"  located  in  the

          with the Jewish Mossad, and he also played           center of Tehran and this museum displays

          a role in many issues that took place in the         the atrocities that It was committed by the
          East  The  Middle  and  Near  East  in  Egypt,       SAVAK  against  the  citizens  and  the

          Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and            opponents.
          Syria, until one of the American politicians         And  thus  ended  the  myth  of  the  most

          described him as not imagining the Shah of           famous  intelligence  service  in  the  Near
          Iran  without  SAVAK,  and  the  Near  East          East,  which  brings  back  to  our  minds  the

          without SAVAK, and he does not imagine               memory of the violations committed by the
          the continuation of the Jewish state without         former  Egyptian  intelligence  chief  “Salah

          SAVAK.                                               Nasr”  in  the  fifties  and  sixties  of  the  last
          The  work  of  the  SAVAK  continued                 century  against  political  opponents  in
          faithfully  in  consolidating  the  power  of        Egypt  in  what  was  known  as  the  case  of

          oppression  and  tyranny  in  favor  of  the         “intelligence  deviations”  and  reminds  us
          Pahlavi  family  since  its  inception  in  1957     that  tyranny  He  has  no  religion,  and  that

          until the Iranian revolution in 1979 led by          the  government  that  is  built  on  the
          Ayatollah      Ruhollah      Khomeini,      who      foundations of iron and fire carries within

          dissolved SAVAK after the revolution and             its arms the weapon of its annihilation.
          abused a large number of its employees,

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        24
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