Page 20 - Issue-36
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ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...
                                                                              Three years of passion...

         In your opinion, what is the reason for the change in the    Were  people’s  awareness  and  taste  reflected  on  the
        style of Arab drama?                                  production  companies?  In  what  image  is  consciousness
        Everyone stated that change is one of the universal rules that  and taste reflected?

        affect  everything;  it  is  inevitable  for  change  to  occur  in  The responses were contradictory, with the majority pointing
        Arabic drama during the sixty years since the first drama was  to  the  fact  that  the  plays  became  known  under  the  motto
        released. They all saw how cameras, broadcasts, and direction  "what viewers demand"! There is no doubt that people's tastes
        would  change  the  shape  and  content  of  drama,  and  it  is  have  varied  between  comedy,  tragedy,  and  melodrama,  and
        difficult to imagine an old drama being re-filmed today and  Ramadan’s drama race is not devoid of all kinds of drama,
        receiving the same reactions. In terms of plot and content, the  and  almost  no  season  passes  without  the  production  of  a
        emergence of a group of creative writers with unprecedented  dramatic  work  that  re-imagines  recent  events  and  political
        creative thinking, as well as the accumulation of experiences  conflicts  and  immortalizes  the  armed  forces'  and  police's
        and  replication  of  foreign  drama,  contributed  to  the  victories over terrorists such as "Al-Ekhtyar 1 and Al-Ekhtyar
        emergence of original works that are not boring or repeated.  2".Some said that since foreign drama has been more popular
                                                              than Arabic drama, such as a significant number of Turkish
                                                              dramas,  Arab  drama  has  tended  to  mimic  foreign  in  more
                                                              than  one  element,  most  notably  the  scenario  and  dialogue,
                                                              such as the series "Lea La" in its parts, and "Al-Deeb" and
                                                              "Shaa’a 6." Some argue that what we see is not necessarily a
                                                              reflection of people's awareness and taste, but that production
                                                              companies seek to make huge profits through acts of vanity
                                                              and  vulgarity,  focusing  solely  on  provoking  the  scenes  in
                                                              various  ways  without  taking  into  account  the  different  age
                                                              groups,  and  transferring  the  culture  of  decadence  and  low
                                                              taste to the Egyptian house. This can be found in works such
                                                              as "Taqa Noor" and "Molok of Al-Jada'anah."

      What  effect  has  the  evolution  of  social  media  had  on
      dramatic content?
      Everyone  agreed  that  the  majority  of  dramas  get  their  ideas
      from social networking sites; since these sites have become the
      present society's main hub, through which one can learn about
      what is going on among people, what they are gathering to and
      what they are unwilling to do. In addition, by uploading certain
      video  or  analysing  and  criticizing  some  scenes,  you  can  get
      some free indirect advertisement.

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        19
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