Page 17 - Issue-36
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Three years of passion...
              ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...

                              How can we correct some of the negative values

                               of the Egyptians? Incompetence and dishonesty
                                                        as examples
                Dr. Mazen Hasan,  FEPS Assistant Professor of Political Science
                Dr. Mazen Hasan,  FEPS Assistant Professor of Political Science

         I  am  interested  in  my  research  on  this       Not to mention that there are opinions that the
         subject  from  daily  observations.  When  it       income  or  development  boom  will  not  be
         comes  to  incompetence/inefficiency,  how          achieved in light of the spread of these negative

         many  times  have  any  of  us  noticed  others     values   in the first place.
         not  doing  our  jobs  with  a  minimum  of
         competence  and  efficiency?  A  worker,  a         I would like to take advantage of this space, on
         sweeper,  a  professional  (doctor-engineer),       the one hand,

         or  even  a  university  professor?  As  for          to  inspire  people  to  think  about  how  to
         honesty, no critical event: How many times          interpret  these  values,  and  ways  to  reduce
         have  we  seen  a  citizen  evade  payment  of      them, and on the other hand, to invite students

         metro  tickets  (or  taxes),  attempt  to           and researchers who wish to study them to join
         circumvent his queue turn in the pursuit of         me in my research effort.
         an  interest,  or  student  /  researcher

         committing  plagiarism?  These  negative            First,  it  is  possible  to  test  whether  there  is  a
         values    are  anti-development  and,  in  my       particular  daily  (or  religious)  discourse  that
         opinion,  Egypt  will  never  reach  a              addresses or surrounds these values. In a recent

         satisfactory  level  of  development  without       pilot study (now refereed), I tested the impact
         resorting to reform. Of course, it is possible      of  religious  discourses,  a  second  affecting
         to wait for a boom in income and education,         national  sentiments,  and  a  third  which
         and  the  resulting  social  reform.  Are  these    highlights the damage caused by

         negative  values    supposed  to  decrease  or
         disappear with it? But it can take decades.

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        17
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