Page 18 - Issue-36
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Three years of passion...
              ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...

          wrong  values,  on  a  value  such  as  non-        increases  the  efficiency  of  Egyptians  (either  in
          cooperation.                                        packing  foreigners,  or  in  this  case  because  that  the
           Second, is the institutional context decisive? It  Egyptian  feels  a  cultural  threat,  trying  to  prove
          is  possible  to  check  whether,  for  example,  the  himself  -  or  at  least  what  "exposes  himself"  -  to
          behavior of an Egyptian employee working in a       foreigners).
          foreign  embassy  (in  Western  countries)  has  a

          higher  degree  of  competence  than  that  of  an  Third,  there  is  also  room  for  to  study  through
          employee  of  the  same  qualities  and  the  same  interviews what I call Egypt 's pockets of efficiency ,
          degree, working in an Egyptian institution?         and  institutions  that  can  reach  a  high  level  of
                                                              efficiency  (according  to  reliable  standards),  and

          ?  It  is  possible  to  check  whether,  for  example,  therefore have succeeded in resisting or trapping the
          the behavior of an Egyptian employee working        negative values   of their members. These interviews
          in a foreign embassy (in Western countries) has     can  be  conducted  with  institutions  such  as  the
          a  higher  degree  of  competence  than  that  of  an  Egyptian Handball Federation (I have already started
          employee  of  the  same  qualities  and  the  same  interviews  with  members  of  this  federation),  the
                                                              efficient  company  at  the  level  of  the  Republic  (for
          degree, working in an Egyptian institution? It is
          possible  to  check  whether  an  Egyptian  teacher  example, the most exported), the most efficent school
                                                              at the level of the Ministry of Education, etc. In my
          who  works  in  an  international  school  (under   opinion, there are many factors that can be quantified
          foreign  management)  is  more  competent  than     from interviews like this.
          the  same  employee  who  works  in  a  private  or
          government school.                                  Sorry to use this space to present some research ideas
          Of course, there are many variables that need to    (acknowledging  that  all  of  the  above  assumptions
          be  neutralized  (for  example  different  pay),  and  may  be  wrong),  but  it  is  an  important  invitation  to
          there  are  concerns  about  endogeneity  as  a     think  about  doing  research  in  this  context  (in
          competent employee chooses to work in foreign       graduation  projects  ,  research  seminars  or

          institutions   and    is   therefore   originally   postgraduate studies), or even for those who want to
          competent.But it is a study that can be done, to    join  me  in  this  passion  for  the  subject  of  negative
          test whether assertive management (or even the      values    of  Egyptians,  I  invite  them  to  contact  me
          presence of foreigners in the work environment)      presenting their ideas for development or for joint

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                        17
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