Page 14 - Issue-36
P. 14
ELITE Three years of passion...
Three years of passion...
Interview with content creator
Muhammed Al-Hadi
Edited by Farah Islam, Mariam Younis, Mostafa Maher
Edited by Farah Islam, Mariam Younis, Mostafa Maher
Elite magazine was pleased to meet the content creator After that, I went to work in the field of social media without
(YouTuber) Muhammad Al-Hadi, a 32-year-old young man leaving my main job in Dubai for two years until I started
who graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Civil working in the field of producing videos on social media. In
Department, worked in this field for 8 years and then decided these two years I was preparing my equipment and I studied this
to change his field of work to go to YouTube and create step again because it is a difficult step, but I was confident that
content. The content that it provides revolves mainly around this step is essential to achieving my goal. After these two years,
travel, whether inside or outside Egypt, and also about I left my job in Dubai and headed to Egypt and started walking
evaluating food. It is distinguished by its influential a new path looking forward to achieving my goals and striving
personality and simple presentation style, which makes many for a happier life.
people want to follow it. During this interview, we discussed In terms of regrets, I have never regretted leaving the
with him the most important stations during his career, the engineering field but every stage of my life has been important
reason behind choosing this field, and we also talked about and beneficial to me as it helped me to develop.
the content industry in general. What is your reason for choosing travel content and food
- Do you regret the step of leaving the field of engineering reviews to present on your channel? And how do you attract
and heading to YouTube? And did your engineering studies young people to follow you, especially with the spread of food
help you in that field? assessment content on YouTube?
Al-Hadi began his speech by saying: I was like many young My choice of travel as a content is due to my strong love for
people. I did not know which college I wanted to enroll in, travel, which began since my departure to Dubai, as it is an
and I decided to join the College of Engineering, because it is open society with many nationalities cultivated in those who
one of the top colleges, and I specialized in civil engineering, live with a love of travel and knowledge of different and diverse
because work in this field is available with great thanks, so civilizations. The beginning of my content revolved around the
all my choices, at this time They were safe, no-risk choices, series of travel to the governorates of Egypt, where I realized
not based on personal preference. At that time, all my goals that this series is a golden opportunity to convey his message to
were to graduate and work outside Egypt. Indeed, after my the youth group, an opportunity to resurrect affiliation and
graduation, I traveled to the United Arab Emirates and loyalty in the hearts of Egyptians, an opportunity to convey the
worked as an engineer and then worked in the field of sales simplicity and warmth that has filled the villages and
(sales). At that time, many people were wondering why I left governorates of Egypt for thousands of years. All my goal was
the field of engineering and went to the field of engineering. to shed light on all that is beautiful on Egyptian lands and all
sills; From here I knew that I would go to what I love without that Egypt hides of greatness.
paying attention to the opinions of others, as I work for my Regarding food rating content, I made this move in another
happiness, in addition to that working in the field of channel with other content creators, I wanted to provide this
engineering was consuming a lot of time as I worked six days content because for me it was an interesting experience. From
a week, which made my life limited to work only and In spite my point of view, I see that the content of food is linked to the
of that, I was not getting any money to compensate me for content of travel because food in general conveys an image of
this great effort. countries, civilizations and cultures.
Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021 15